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" there's so much beauty in the world. sometimes i feel like I'm seeing it all at once, &it's too much, my heart fills up like a balloon that's about to burst.. &then I remember to relax, &stop trying to hold on to it, &then it flows through me like rain &i can't feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life. "

danielle. television (shows I have completed in 2021)
  • build forts & have a paper airplane war.
  • go for a drive, but you can only take right turns until you find something interesting.
  • go to a book store, & leave notes to future readers in the pages of books.
  • drive some random town and have dinner at a place you've never been. with fake names.
  • go for a drive with the passenger blindfolded, giving directions at random & see where you end up.
  • go on a search for as many good climbing trees as possible, climb as high as you both can in all of them, compile photo evidence.
  • put on the spanish channel, mute. improvise dialogue.
  • go to the airport, get the cheapest, soonest departing flight to anywhere, and stay there for a weekend.
  • in the middle of the night, drive to the beach, so you arrive just as the sun is rising. have a breakfast picnic, then fall asleep together. bring a sun umbrella.
  • dress up as super heroes & stop a petty crime (ie littering, jaywalking)
  • with camera and pair of boots, make photolog of a day in the life of the invisible man.
aug 24 2009 ∞
aug 25 2009 +