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" there's so much beauty in the world. sometimes i feel like I'm seeing it all at once, &it's too much, my heart fills up like a balloon that's about to burst.. &then I remember to relax, &stop trying to hold on to it, &then it flows through me like rain &i can't feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life. "

listography NEW NEWS
danielle. television (shows I have completed in 2021)
  • Even though I quoted a crazy in my interview, at least i was chosen to go.
  • They liked my bracelets..
  • Gershom is wicked fucking cute.
  • He thinks my clumsy-ness is endearing.
  • SAL IS FUCKING BOMB. ("she's a woman driver!!")
  • J.O. is kelsey with a dick. ("..but he has nice eyes.")
  • I saw Mr. Kenneally's mural.
  • I finished my interview piece with time to spare.
  • I had a good friday night.
  • Alot of people have faith in my artistic ability.
  • "You look like yr good at art.." x2.
  • We ran through our field again. this time with cute boys. :]!
  • Got a piggy back ride.
  • Cuddles in the back seat.
  • mad kisses<333
  • Gershoms probably the sweetest kid ever. he holds open doors, & says all these ridiculous things.
  • best day ever, now if i only'd get into art allstates!
mar 14 2008 ∞
jul 8 2008 +