- Annoying laughs, such as cackaling or undully loud and obnoxious
- Pointing out the obvious
- Incessant talking
- Commentary about films or programmes
- Apathy
- Overly negative outlook
- Being indulgent of others
- High pitched squacking when excited
- Interuppting, espcially when trying to prove a point
- Talking over others
- Having strong opinions about inconsequential things
- Not reading
- Pompusness
- Ingratefulness
- Laziness and oversleeping
- Road rage
- Unawareness of own competence
- Putting on silly voices without cause
- Obvious flirting
- Thoughtlessness
- Doziness
- Not paying attention
- Clinginess
- Non contribution
- Inconsequential lying
- Poor time keeping
- Dislike of children
- Closed mindedness
jul 14 2010 ∞
jul 16 2010 +