- All Things Must Pass, George Harrison
- Amnesiac, Radiohead
- Another Green World, Brian Eno
- The Beatles, The Beatles
- The Boy With the Arab Strap, Belle & Sebastian
- Figure 8, Elliott Smith
- The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan, Bob Dylan
- Greetings From Michigan, Sufjan Stevens
- If You're Feeling Sinister, Belle & Sebastian
- Jane Doe, Converge
- London Calling, The Clash
- Magical Mystery Tour, The Beatles
- Milo Goes to College, Descendents
- Orphans, Tom Waits
- The Sky's Gone Out, Bauhaus
- The Times They Are A-Changin', Bob Dylan
- Vauxhall & I, Morrissey
- The Velvet Underground, The Velvet Underground
- Viva Hate, Morrissey
- XO, Elliott Smith
nov 13 2008 ∞
mar 30 2009 +