- La Masai Blanca, Corinne Hoffman
- Hush hush, Becca Fitzpatrick
- The Glass Magician, Charlie N. Nolemberg
- The Master Magician, Charlie N. Nolemberg
- El Sr. Penumbra y su librería 24 horas abierta, Robin Sloan
- The Captive Prince, C.S. Pacat
- Prince's Gambit, C.S. Pacat
- Kings Rising, C.S. Pacat
- La Selección, Kiera Cass
- La Elite, Kiera Cass
- Sé un maestro, Sergio Travieso Teniente
- Georgia Peaches and other forbbiden fruit, Jaye Robin
- We are the ants, Shaun David Hutchinson
- None of the above, I.W. Gregorio
- Whatever, S.J. Goslee
- Seven Ways We Lie, Riley Redgate
- Newsprints, Ru Xu
- Analyzing Politics, Kenneth A.Shepsle and Mark S. Boncher
- A Darker Shade of Magic, V.E. Schwab
- The Foxhole Court, Nora Sakavic
- La Elite, Kiera Cass
- Predestinados, Josephine Angelini
- Madame Bovary, Gustave Flaubert
- American Gods, Neil Gaiman
- A Game of Thrones, G.R.R. Martin
- El diario de Nikki 5, Rachel Rennee Russell
nov 26 2019 ∞
nov 22 2022 +