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now listen to me young man, i am talking directly into your ear now. i need you to do me a favor. you will do this for me. i need you to go to gamestop, and i need you to ask the bastard working the counter if they have bambi on the ps2. if you come back empty handed youll be in big trouble mister. you will never see the light of day.

honeybee books (2025)
wishlist (wants/needs)
events (2025)
Ada books (read 2025)
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  • miao dao by joyce carol oates
  • alien novelization , written by alan dean foster .
  • anne of green gables , written by lucy maud montgomery .
  • veterinary guide for animal owners , written by c. e. spaulding, d.v.m, and jackie clay (note: really informative and easy to read, would recommend if you're into veterinary stuff.)
  • warrior cats book #3: the forest of secrets by erin hunter
  • watership down , written by richard adams .
mar 7 2022 ∞
feb 16 2023 +