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now listen to me young man, i am talking directly into your ear now. i need you to do me a favor. you will do this for me. i need you to go to gamestop, and i need you to ask the bastard working the counter if they have bambi on the ps2. if you come back empty handed youll be in big trouble mister. you will never see the light of day.

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learning resources/free pdfs i use for essays/ive found and other stuff alike (+ some notes)

  • note: the credits section at the bottom of wikipedia pages is really helpful for finding articles and resources about a subject you wouldn't find otherwise !!


  • note: copy & pasting your essay into google is a good way to plagiarism check in my experience, considering my mom was a teacher once and that's what she did with student's essays, so i assume at least some teachers do similar if not the same thing?




aug 26 2021 ∞
nov 22 2021 +