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tiny brunette human working my way through a life made through lists

dreams, memes, teams, schemes and regimes

listography NEW NEWS
  • turning leftover wraps into baked tortilla chips by brushing wrap with olive oil and slicing into triangles to have with leftover guac and using up leftover sour cream by making a sour cream and onion dip
  • stale cake dessert - mixing stale cake with vanilla cream cheese icing (or whatever icing you have on hand) and topping with fruit. This is especially nice with lemon cake
  • pickle red onions that you don't think you will use all of - use white wine/rice vinegar, cloves, sprigs of thyme, half a clove of garlic, sugar. they go pink and pretty and are delicious on many things
  • smoked fish pate - mix smoked mackerel (easiest with this fish, or cooked salmon) with cream cheese, a squeeze of lemon juice and half a teaspoon of horseradish (or to taste)
  • use leftover pesto in toasties or spooned into omelettes or in pastries
  • always freeze extra cookie dough
  • make simple syrups and fruit bases to make drinks interesting
mar 16 2021 ∞
mar 16 2021 +