all of these might change but yeah feel free to tag me as any of these characters.

main ids: / chihiro fujisaki

  • Chihiro is my main ID and I could spend days explaining why I see myself as him. I don't mind doubles following me at all but I'll only be tagging myself as him.

kins: / aph ukraine, jataro kemuri

  • Unlike my ids, I dont really care if you tag me as ukraine or jataro it doesn't bother me if you don't. I don't see myself as either of them as much as I do with my id. I also don't mind doubles one bit!

questioning: / hanayo koizumi

  • Please don't tag me as any of these characters. I'm not sure if I kin with them or not so it would make me uncomfortable if you tagged me as anyone in this category. I'm okay with tagging anyone else as them though.
jul 22 2017 ∞
aug 21 2017 +