note: mostly jinhwan- or hanbin-centric

  • Try by EbbaTriesToWrite
    • pairing(s): none; hanbin-centric
    • rating: gen
    • warnings: creator chose not to use (physical violence)
    • word count: 13.5k, 2 chapters, completed
    • summary: It starts with a slap. Really, it probably starts way before that, but Jinhwan doesn’t know exactly when, so he decides; it starts with a slap. “I’m trying hyung.” Chanwoo said quietly but everyone could still hear it over their own ragged breathing, “I really am.” “Try harder.” Hanbin hissed and turned around. Jinhwan heard Chanwoo mutter something under his breath but couldn’t make out the words but Hanbin was close enough and he twisted around with none of his usual grace and brought a hand up, and then; SLAP
    • notes: wow this is painful, really so well-written. oh my god, give hanbin a hug, please.
  • Ground Zero by idyleski
    • pairing(s): junhoe/jinhwan
    • rating: teen
    • warnings: major character death
    • word count: 19.5k, 1 chapter, completed
    • summary: The day Junhwe dies starts out like any other. The day Jinhwan goes back is a little different.
    • notes: all i know is pain
  • Perfect by MVforVictory
    • pairing(s): hanbin/everyone, ot7
    • rating: explicit
    • warnings: creator chose not to use (anxiety, a/b/o)
    • word count: 126.5k, 17 chapters, completed
    • summary: Hanbin wished that he could just accept himself for what he was, but when he looked in the mirror—all he could see were his faults and failures. He was already ashamed of being an Omega, and after hearing some of his group mates’ opinions, Hanbin decided that the best thing to do was to hide his status behind a sharp gaze and some suppressants. So, what happens when the secret gets out and the image he’s created of himself shatters?
    • notes: don't look at me this is so good
  • Stressed Out by MVforVictory
    • pairing(s): hanbin/bobby/junhoe, ot7
    • rating: mature
    • warnings: creator chose not to use (anxiety, panic attacks)
    • word count: 13.9k, 5 chapters, completed
    • summary: It was a known fact that Hanbin got stressed easily. It was also a known fact that he was really good at working through that stress, often times hiding just how bad it was. So he shouldn’t have been surprised that the others didn’t notice. They were all stressed, and Hanbin didn’t really have much of a right to complain, not when they were all struggling. He just felt a little overwhelmed, was all. He could handle it. Or: The little things add up until Hanbin breaks. Poor Kitty Bin ends up moulting from stress, the others feel like asses, cuddles ensue.sounds. Sorry.
    • notes: more on the hybrid au :) ofc a fantastic read i love this author's stuff
  • Cat Naps by MVforVictory
    • pairing(s): hanbin/everyone, ot7
    • rating: gen
    • warnings: creator chose not to use (anxiety, panic attacks)
    • word count: 22.3k, 17 chapters, completed
    • summary: Weren’t cats meant to sleep for like 14 hours of the day or something? So...why did Hanbin have so much trouble sleeping? Alternative Title: Random Times Kitty Hanbin Fell Asleep On The Others (Ft. Some other YG fam) It ended up being a bit angstier than it sounds. Sorry.
    • notes: hybrid au! soft...... i love this sm
  • Deconstruction by Kalidoscope666
    • pairing(s): hanbin/bobby (subtle)
    • rating: teen
    • warnings: creator chose not to use (panic attacks, self-harm, suicidal ideation, dissociation, brief ment. sexual assault & eating disorders)
    • word count: 6.2k, 1 chapter, completed
    • summary: He's gotten everything he dreamed for, and everything he dreaded at the same time. Hanbin's drowning.
    • notes: oh god, this is really angsty and incredibly written. this fic just gets it, you know? there's so many lines in here that are just like. yeah, i really felt that. really nicely done, and a great ending as well
  • Just Right by hizashi
    • pairing(s): jinhwan-centric, jinhwan/bobby, jinhwan/junhoe, jinhwan/chanwoo, jinhwan/hanbin
    • rating: teen
    • warnings: none
    • word count: 5.6k, 7 chapters, completed
    • summary: Jinhwan might not be tall, but he certainly isn't small either. He's just the right size. A series about Jinhwan's height difference with everyone.
    • notes: CUTE
  • One and Only by MVforVictory
    • pairing(s): hanbin/everyone, hanbin/bobby
    • rating: mature
    • warnings: creator chose not to use (referenced self-harm, panic attacks)
    • word count: 17.6k, 5 chapters, incomplete
    • summary: Ever since the massive success of Love Scenario, Hanbin has been working his ass off to write something even better. Honestly, he doesn’t think he deserves the title of Songwriter of the Year. None of what he’s writing sounds even remotely good. Until finally, an idea for a song that may actually be good enough to use. iKON loves their leader. It was just meant to be a silly, little prank that they would resolve a few hours after, just to get back at Hanbin for being so harsh recently. They really didn’t mean for it to go that far.
    • notes: i'm probably gonna reread this a lot of times despite it being possibly abandoned. this, like everything else this author has written, is so good. it's so good. pain
  • Sound of a Crescendo by concordances
    • pairing(s): junhoe/jinhwan
    • rating: teen
    • warnings: creator chose not to use (mentions of kidnapping and death)
    • word count: 7.2k, 1 chapters, completed
    • summary: Between having to deal with petty crime and falling hard for his partner, Junhwe's not sure he's all that cut out for this job.
    • notes: super light-hearted (for the most part lol) love it!!!
dec 20 2020 ∞
dec 29 2020 +