note: majority kino-centric

  • Trap by thehonestman
    • pairing(s): wooseok/kino
    • rating: not rated
    • warnings: internalized homophobia
    • word count: 5.0k, 1 chapter, completed
    • summary: It’s a safe in-between place where he can hide: somewhere between door open and closed, somewhere between Hyunggu and Kino.
    • notes: lovely character-analysis type of fic centered around kino, and his identity b/w hyunggu and kino. i love this so much, what a lovely lovely read.
  • j'ai deux amis qui sont aussi mes amoureux by whomstisthis
    • pairing(s): yuto/kino/woooseok
    • rating: mature
    • warnings: references to depression
    • word count: 17.5k, 2 chapters, completed
    • summary: Tuesday 7:48 PM hi!!! so this might sound weird but my boyfriend and i r in your sunday morning yoga class we sit in the corner by the door and i’m sure u noticed but we literally suck at yoga but we keep coming back because we think yr really cool and cute . nd we were just wonderin g if you’d want to like hang out or smth sometime ? but yeah feel free to unmatch or excommunicate us from ur yoga class if u are uncomfy at all, just let us know (but if u say yes that means bubble tea unlimited toppings and we r paying)(or: hyunggu is a yoga instructor and wooseok and yuto have A Crush)
    • notes: i almost never read poly relationships. idk, just not my thing usually. but this. this was so hot
  • rule #3 by kinos
    • pairing(s): (main) yuto/kino, kino/wooseok, (side) e'dawn/hui, jinho/hongseok, yanan/yeo one, wooseok/shinwon
    • rating: explicit
    • warnings: creator chose not to use
    • word count: 17.5k, 2 chapters, completed
    • summary: Kang Hyunggu has three rules that he lives by. Three little rules that are sure to let him live his entire life in peace if he follows them correctly, and so far, he has. It’s not like they were hard and he’s always been good at following rules, especially ones as simple as these. #1: Be kind, always. #2: Be a little bad, when you need to. And #3: Don’t hook up with the new guy in the school bathroom, no matter how hot he looks in a leather jacket. He really should’ve paid attention to that third one.
    • notes: hottt... and so dramatic. they're all so dramatic, and i love it so much, this reads like such a romcom, and it's amazing.
  • Moiety by heauxseoks
    • pairing(s): yuto/kino (main), yeo one/yanan (side)
    • rating: gen
    • warnings: graphic depictions of violence
    • word count: 34.7k, 10 chapters, completed
    • summary: Yuto befriends the energetic and smiley Kang Hyunggu with his haunted eyes and quivering hands while helping Changgu out with a delivery and learns three very important things: 1) He has a pet cat named Neko 2) He doesn’t like to be touched, and 3) Yuto wants to kiss him very very very badly
    • notes: has such a soft vibe to it, despite the warnings. it's a little magical, in my opinion. i love it.
  • the opposite of the beginning and the end by ActivelyWeird
    • pairing(s): yuto/kino, shinwon & kino, wooseok & kino
    • rating: gen
    • warnings: none
    • word count: 2.2k, 1 chapter, completed
    • summary: Hyunggu didn't like corn mazes, he didn't like strangers, and he had a terrible sense of direction. But here he was, accepting help from a stranger, in the middle of a corn maze, while being completely lost. He blamed Wooseok.
    • notes: PURE SEROTONIN
  • holi holi (holiday) by norikae
    • pairing(s): yanan/jun (svt)
    • rating: gen
    • warnings: none
    • word count: 2.5k, 1 chapter, completed
    • __summary:__“So,” he begins, casually, “Why are you looking for a mattress, anyway?” Yanan furrows his brows a little bit. “To sleep on. Is that not the usual?”
    • notes: wheezes. this is so funny, witty, heckin' hilarious. loveeeee. mandatory reading.
  • floral and fading by norikae
    • pairing(s): yanan/jun (svt)
    • rating: gen
    • warnings: none
    • word count: 2.5k, 1 chapter, completed
    • __summary:__“So,” he begins, casually, “Why are you looking for a mattress, anyway?” Yanan furrows his brows a little bit. “To sleep on. Is that not the usual?”
    • notes: wheezes. this is so funny, witty, heckin' hilarious. loveeeee. mandatory reading.
nov 21 2020 ∞
nov 21 2020 +