note: mostly sasaki haise & quinx centric

  • A Poem for Transition by fineinthemorning
    • pairing(s): none
    • rating: mature
    • warnings: graphic descriptions of violence
    • word count: 34.5k, 12 chapters, completed
    • summary: During the events of the auction raid, Haise remembers everything, but instead of going back to living his life as a ghoul, he remains at the CCG as leader and mentor to the Quinx squad. For what reasons does he stay? For what reasons does he refuse to go back? How do the Quinx respond to him? How does he handle regaining his memories?
    • notes: this is absolutely fantastic, and the sequel is a must-read. very gory, so beware if you're averse to that.
  • Amnesiac by janazza
    • pairing(s): sasaki haise & everyone, sasaki haise & quinx squad
    • rating: teen
    • warnings: trauma, bullying
    • word count: 66.2k, 29 chapters, indefinite hiatus
    • summary: Haise may not be able to remember the people, but he does remember the feeling. Some things just feel right, these little habits or scenes-- But he just can't put his finger on it. In other words, a series of one-shots and short stories about the things that still make him
    • notes: disconnected chapters that all kind of connect to each other. this fic was abandoned, but the content in the chapters available is so good, i think everyone should read it. personally love the storyline centered around centipedes, but also that might just be me.
  • Itadakimasu by checkeredbow
    • pairing(s): none
    • rating: gen
    • warnings: mild gore, vomiting
    • word count: 12.0k, 6 chapters, completed
    • summary: Five times Haise didn't eat in front of the Quinx Squad and one time he did. (Five times Haise acted as the Quinx Squad's wise mentor and one time he did not.)
    • notes: one of my favorite fics, period. everything leads up to the conclusion and ugh. it's just so good.
nov 12 2020 ∞
nov 12 2020 +