good - g bad - b *
- g - hadnt seen jakey jacob in a while and he was there being a lovely man and looked like sexy sex.
- g - ZARA STALLWOOD. she rocks both of my socks
- g - ring of fire
- b - ring of fire making me sick
- g - home friends coming with new girlfriends that i hadnt met before
- g - having 2 new dresses to choose from to wear
- g - jacob not gettin too drunk so making it to midnight
- b -me getting twice as drunk as he ever was and then collapsing before midnight
- g - sobering up and sitting in my room with skinnerbanana, kemp and jacob talking about who was being sick, smoking and dead people sitting in my room.
- g - the pictures of ben hahaaa you NAKED
- b- drugs
- g- the morning after, even though hungover i heard funny stories about what had gone on that id forgotten about
- b - random crying at 3 in the morning to jacob
- g - hes ace and was lovely about it
- g - i love my friends
- b - there wasnt a charlotte, louise, gemma,
danoa, nicola or jade present.
- g - kemps hair smoking up a firey storm
- g - michael kemp and tom skinner for being as paggered as me (quite an achievement)and just because they were hours of entertainment and superstar DJ's
- b - the smell of burnt hair in my room
- b - i cant remeber much of after ring of fire.
- g - after claiming i "know my limits when it comes to vodka" i realise i dont and will learn from it.
- b- ive been inclined to detox for a month but have already broken it by having a beer earlier.
jan 4 2007 ∞
jan 4 2007 +