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“I am that clumsy human, always loving, loving, loving. And loving. And never leaving.” ― Frida Kahlo

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nam junyeol; the product of two beings after intertwining their souls on a rainy day only to discover that the other had never loved the another.

junyeol is brought up single-handedly by his father, a botanist and part-time florist, an interest and business that has been passed on for years in the nam family line. however, junyeol serves as an opposite to it as he bears qualities that are similar to his mother as compared to the man who raise him. junyeol has the talents of his mother which happens to be dancing. ballet, jazz, tap dance - you name it, he has a knack for it all. as a result, it happens to be a trait that his father, at times, resented.

despite of it, the man never gave junyeol less than he deserved. though he did suffer in the early years of taking care of junyeol as junyeol often came home running and crying about not having a mother, being the victim of bully for only growing with a father and was teased on, making his father struggle to explain that he would never see a female figure nor a mother in his life, ever.

as junyeol grew into a teenager, he had came to terms that he would have to grow without the touch of a mother as his father had no intention of marrying nor thinking of seeing anyone for the matter. upon the age of 19, junyeol was offered the opportunity to be part of the korea's national university of arts (k-arts) after winning a competition for a scholarship by the institute.

graduating the academy at the age of 23, junyeol had came back to his home, living with his dad again and occasionally helped him with the flower shop. though he had no interest of continuing the nam legacy, junyeol did acquire a few knowledge on plants here and there. he adores how his old man is always passionate about plants, perhaps the same way he's passionate about dancing.

currently 24, living alone and without a stable income, junyeol hops from one show to another, making money here and there by performing. his plan is to save up and maybe, just maybe, open a dance studio of his own. at the moment, he settles with being a part-time florist and part-time dance instructor at the k-arts weekend class for kids.

may 25 2018 ∞
may 25 2018 +