june has been a suprisingly long month. at least it feels like it. i've had a lot (a lot) of free time on my hands, and therefore books have been a priority. Something which i've enjoyed.

  • The Crippled God by Steven Erikson. the last book in the malazan book of the fallen series, but not the last we're going to see from the world of malazan. it was quite the finale! i really enjoyed the two (three) major plotlines going through the book and thank god for the internet because there were a lot of people i didn't really remember and that kind of thing. the last ten pages or so i cried like a baby.
  • A Shadow in Summer by Daniel Abraham. this book disappointed me utterly. i wasn't feeling the plot, the setting or the characters at all. it's all been hyped up for nothing, in my book. it was exhausting to read and i won't be reading the rest of the series.
  • The Black Company by Glen Cook. i really enjoyed this one. it had a tough edge as well as a lot of humour. i wrote down tons of quotes and maybe i'll be posting them later on.
  • Shadows Linger by Glen Cook. this is the second book in the Black Company- chronicles and it takes place six years after the events in the first book. i liked the first book better, but that doesn't mean this one wasn't worth a read, because it totally was. i liked the plot and that there was a new point of view. also, this was a gold mine for awesome quotes!
  • Boneshaker by Cherie Priest. i recently wrote that i was going to broaden my horizon on the SFF front, starting with the genre of science fiction and then on to steampunk. i've read nothing but praise for Boneshaker, so i had to see what all the fuss was about. one thing is certain, i will definitely be reading a lot of steampunk in the future. it's such an enjoyable genre. there doesn't seem to be an end to the awesomeness. Boneshaker was a great read.

earlier today i finished Mechanique, another steampunk novel. it was AWESOME. but all that is for the reading list of july!

jul 10 2011 ∞
jul 10 2011 +