remember i ordered those books a week ago? turns out i won't get them before i leave. which is a shame, because i don't really have any books to take with me when i go to barcelona (apart from saturday, which i haven't finished yet....). this just makes me really frustrated. GAH... anyway... i've been picking around a bit on the interwebz and discovered a new series i'm dying to get my hands on! the series is called the Entire and the Rose and it's written by Kay Kenyon.

  • Bright of the Sky, book 1
  • A World Too Near, book 2
  • City Without End, book 3
  • Prince of Storms, book 4

it sounds really interesting because it's a mix of fantasy & science fiction. i still must confess to being a SF virgin when it comes to reading. definitely will be checking this out!

mar 10 2011 ∞
mar 10 2011 +