turns out, when i have a schedueled reading plan, i also get diciplined. it's like doing your homework. if you don't do this in time, there will be hell to pay. except that it won't, but i'm tricking my mentality into believing it anyway. i take some kind of perverse pride in telling people how much i've read. ANYWHO, i decided to extend my list for march, and the reason that is is because it's march 3rd and I only have one book left on my original list. another thing i take pride in. i therefore took the opportunity in ordering three new books today.

  • Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch. Been hearing some good stuff about this trilogy and the cover is enough to intrigue me.
  • The Assassin's Apprentice by Robin Hobb. Assassins is always a theme that is going to interest me.
  • Salme før reisens slutt by Erik Fosnes Hansen. I got reccomended this book years ago and have been wanting to read it ever since. It's time, I think!

the first two books are fantasy, which i think is only fair. i know from experience that i can't read much contemporary fiction for long without getting some sort of craving for reading fantasy. it's just the way i'm programmed. i must admit, however, that i'm... while i think reluctant is the wrong word, uncertain may be the proper one, i always kind of dread going in to new series. i always need some sort of clarification or acknowledgement that the books i'm starting will be worth my while (unless it's by an author i really like). because so far, i feel that i've been quite lucky in my book choises. i like quality. and with the lastest malazan installment and book two in the kingkiller chronicle coming, i feel it's much easier to just stay on reading the series i'm currently reading. AND a dance of dragons got its release date today, sick isn't it? anyway, ramblings and ramblings... the verdict of march part one i'm guessing will come on sunday. or monday. we'll see!

mar 3 2011 ∞
mar 30 2011 +