I've officially given up on my former to-read list. I've decided to take it one month at a time and create some form of schedule. Because this past half year has been quite the disaster when it comes to reading. I've read what.. 3 books? I wrote here that I was going to pick up the Darknes that comes before by R. Scott Bakker, after I'd read Towers of Midnight. But it just didn't grip me. Instead I finished Toll the Hounds, which had an amazing ending! ANYWAY.


  • Mistborn book 1 & 2 by Brandon Sanderson
  • Blameless and Changeless by Gail Carriger
  • The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms by N.K Jemisin

Five books in a month, it's probably a stretch, but I reckon the two by Gail Carriger is going to go pretty fast as they're a light read and soo incredibly funny. Besides, I've read extracts from both the first Mistborn-book and The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms, and I have great faith in both of them. I've been waiting to read them for such a long time and Soulless by Gail Carriger was probably the funniest book I ever read, which is why I've been longing to read something of hers for ages now. It sounds like I'm justifying my list, which is not my intention, I'm just trying to explain why I think I will be able to read these books in a month. At least I hope so.

Because let's face it, the last part of 2010 has been a real yawn when it comes to reading, and I want to make amends!

dec 30 2010 ∞
dec 30 2010 +