it's sunday and for most people sundays mean a state of headache, constant nausea and the stomachs screaming cries for pizza or other such unhealthy things. in other words, you're statistically likely to find yourself hungover. today, thank god, this isn't the case for me. however, i am considered to be a spreader of joy and i thought i'd share some of that joy here on listography. through songs to help your ever aching head:

  • John Mayer- Assassin. i mean, how awesome and relaxing is mayer's voice?
  • Fleet Foxes- Your Protector. this is probably one of my favorite songs ever.
  • Damien Rice- 9 crimes. not only does this song contain just about the right amount of emo to be perfect for a hungover sunday but it's also fucking brilliant.
  • Kings of Convenience- Boat behind. you should probably watch the music video as well. it's kind of the ultimate way of which i would like to spend a summer. and thinking of summer is another great way of chasing those sunday blues away. or enhancing them. your choice.
  • Paulo Nutini- Autumn. probably my favorite song of nutini. it's so heartbreakingly beautiful that it'll ironically cure anything.
  • Seabear- I sing I swim. i love a great floating vocal. you know, when it sounds like the voice is floating on water. running water. simply beautiful.
  • Ryan Adams- La cienga just smiled. this song is just my cup of tea. and so awesome and perfect for sundays. it's also perfect for one of those nights when you sit inside, fire cracking, tea in one hand and a good book in another. and of course, the obligatory snow/rain outside your window.
  • Bon iver- re:stacks. this one is an almost seven minute session of pure and delightful awesomeness. if this doesn't cure your hangover, than i'm not sure anything will. although, a couple of asprins and a nap later, you should feel fine.

you're welcome and ENJOY.

dec 27 2009 ∞
dec 27 2009 +