
  • 505,193 - 12W - Historical Anthropology of the Balkans and the Near East - 2 - VU - Kaser K
  • 511,141 - 12W - Linguistics Proseminar (Sociolinguistics) - 2 - P - Resnik P
  • 504,131 - 13S - Introductory Course to Ancient History: Trade and Commerce in Greece and Rome - 2 - PS - Mauritsch P
  • 504,160 - 13S - Introduction to Papyrology - 2 - VU - Perale M
  • 512,313 - 13S - Cultural Studies Seminar (Social Relationships in Film) - 2 - SE - Rieser K

Vrije (VU) Amsterdam:

  • Anthropology of Religion - Course code:S_AR - Period 1 - Credits:6.0
  • History and Theory of Anthro - course # S_HTA - p. 3 - credits:6
  • Archaeology of the Pre- and Protohistorical Mediterranean - course # L_BMBAARC205 - p. 1 - credits:6
  • Prehistory of Western Europe - L_BEBAARC210 - p. 4 - credits:6
  • Archaeology of the Ancient Near East - L_BEBAARC209 - p. 4 - credits:6

van Amsterdam:

  • Life after Death. Burial Customs in the Ancient Mediterranean - Catalogue Number: 110212122Y - 12 creds
  • Amsterdam in the Golden Age - Catalogue Number: 112210196Y - 6 creds
  • Catalan Culture in Europe from the beginning to Franco’s dictatorship - 105215046Y - Credits: 6
  • World Cinema - 119217486Y - Credits: 6
  • Medieval, Renaissance and 18th Century Literature - 123111266Y - Credits: 6


  • The end of the Rome Republic

List of Schools (in order):

  • Graz
  • VU Amsterdam
  • Chester
  • Czech
jun 3 2013 ∞
jul 27 2013 +