• pack bag for spring break
  • transfer money into checking
  • get cash out of an atm
  • check austrian bank account balance
  • book innsbruck hostel
  • book bus to Munich
  • book hostel in Munich
  • do laundry
  • dye hair
  • clean room
  • paint nails
  • eat perishable foods
  • charge all electronics
  • skype with mom and dad
  • research things to see on trip
  • research hostel prices for trip after munich
  • buy shampoo/conditioner/soap in travel sizes
  • check mailbox for package slip
    • still not here
  • try to find kindle books for classes
  • exercise
  • make fb photos visible
  • learn some german
apr 11 2014 ∞
jun 3 2014 +