Before Bed

  • read & marginalize chp. 2 of MLAaE
  • read & marginalize chp. 6 of StCS
  • Using chapter 2 of MLAE write one claim & supporting paragraph about his language use as explained in “Analysis and Evaluation of Language Use and Misuse in Jacobs”
    • a. Bring in a hard copy (double spaced in standard format)
    • b. Under “Assignments on MU-Online” cut and paste your paragraph to the assignment “Analyzing & Evaluating an Example from MLAE Chapter 2”
  • reflect on note from starbucks in afternoon
  • read the end of med. 3 for phl
  • read med. 4 and all supporting articles for phl
  • get shit together to turn into dr. green

In the Morning

  • go to starbucks at 7:30 to creep
  • after creeping reflect and come home to scan and copy notes
  • leave house for fys at 8:45
  • eat while creeping
  • bring food to snack on throughout day

In the Afternoon

  • after phl come home, eat, and get stuff to go to the bank
  • go to bank and then go to the mall to look for a dress (text katy to see if she can come too)
  • text codi and katy about where to eat at on friday
  • come home and sleep for little while but not enough to not be able to go to sleep later
  • google ways to make ear cuffs
  • think of a question to ask in theater
  • paint nails
feb 8 2012 ∞
feb 11 2012 +