• write and send thank you cards
  • tan
  • exercise
  • weigh at most 130 by end of month
  • thai with tara
  • fat pattys with tiff
  • hang out with tiff before she leaves
  • reorganize room
  • read 3 books
    • Daughters of Rome
  • finish puzzle
  • cook with meat
  • buy cute basic wedges
  • shop for summer stuff =)
  • cut down on pop
  • have 4 days where I only eat fruits and veggies (not consecutive)
    • June 6
  • cut hair into layers and shorten bangs
  • start making and using homemade masks
  • buy and vamp up a piece of furniture to sell on etsy
  • get a debit or credit card
  • apply for more jobs
  • get a job
  • order ud book of shadows III
jun 3 2011 ∞
jul 2 2011 +