• text Melissa
  • visit S.A. office
  • turn in anthropology paper
  • anthropology exam
  • history exam
  • Easton trip
  • ask off for Easton, graduation
  • redo closet
  • finish Daughers of Rome
  • start Empress of the Seven Hills
  • buy neon swimsuit
  • reorganize room
  • change bed clothes
  • whiten teeth
  • trim hair
  • refocus energy
  • submit ISEP application
    • get letter of rec from smalley or green
    • write ISEP essay
    • write essay for schools
    • make prelim. course list
    • pay fee
  • swim
  • tan
  • wax eyebrows
  • Nawab with Tara
may 2 2012 ∞
jun 2 2012 +