• Volunteer for a charity organization
  • Enroll in scuba diving lessons.
  • Learn a foreign language, preferably from a different continent.
  • Learn how to cook.
  • Take up a new sport.
  • Go on an impromptu road trip with your friends.
  • Try to break a world record (your chances might be pretty slim, but half the fun is in looking for the silliest world records to break anyway).
  • Create a summer 2011 playlist on iTunes.
  • Build a sandcastle that could rival the ones in Boracay.
  • Go on a backpacking/camping trip.
  • Finish a whole round on board games like Monopoly, Taboo or Scrabble.
  • Have a sleepover and swear to serve nothing but cupcakes, burgers and chips.
  • Go on an all-fruit and vegetable diet the next day.
  • Get an internship or summer job even if you don’t need it.
  • Make popsicles from fruit juice or Coca-Cola.
  • Deconstruct an old dress or shirt and make something new (that you would actually wear).
  • Draw a self-portrait.
  • Write a poem and send it to a literary website or magazine.
  • Stay up all night to watch the sunrise.
  • Push someone into the pool with all their clothes on (make sure that he/she doesn’t have anything in his/her pockets, and that you’re prepared to be pushed into the pool as well).
  • Go skinny-dipping.
  • Go white-water rafting or tubing.
  • Go eco and start a backyard garden—try flowers or small vegetables.
  • Read the entire Harry Potter, Gossip Girl, Twilight and Lord of the Rings series.
  • Organize a scavenger hunt for your family or friends.
  • Clean out your room and donate stuff that you don’t need.
  • Make homemade ice cream from scratch.
  • Go stargazing in the middle of an open field; bring a blanket and hot chocolate.
  • Learn a new musical instrument.
  • Build a time capsule and bury it in a secret location.
  • Make a house of cards.
  • Learn a new dance.
  • Try bikram yoga and see how long you can last in the first class.
  • Pretend to be someone else for a day. Wear a wig, try a different style of clothing, put on makeup, speak with an odd accent . . .
  • Hold an eating contest with your friends: see who can eat the most, or the fastest.
  • Visit a museum you haven’t seen since grade school.
  • Do a Google day: learn how to use all the features of Google, like Google Earth, Maps, Reader, Scholar, etc.
  • Try working on a piece of art: sculptures, paintings, drawings, etc.
  • Work your way through BBC’s “Top 100 Books” reading list.
  • Finish a 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle.
mar 18 2011 ∞
aug 22 2011 +