• look, please stop asking me about that, like there's anything to tell you, because there isn't, because he's not interested nor has he ever been, and I am just so sick of walking in circles ok.
  • I mean I keep telling myself there's only a month or so left of school, and I'm rid of all this and I can start again or whatnot, but what if it doesn't get better? What if I continue feeling like I have for the past three years? I don't think I can put up with that for another two years. I mean I have just been holding on to the hope that it's going to get better this september, but where has that been promised? what if it just gets worse?
  • the only reason I care about him is because I haven't got anyone else to care about, and nobody else cares about me
  • I am really really sick of being around you. I don't want to be your friend anymore. You're really rude and blunt and you make me feel awful about myself, and I don't have to put up with it. I put up with it before because I got something out of it, so it wasn't all for nothing, because you are the closest friend I've ever had. But you don't need me anymore, and that's fine, but did you ever think that I might still need you? You never tell me anything anymore and we're not close at all and I'm really really tired of you. I'm always going to love you, I just don't like you anymore.
mar 21 2013 ∞
jan 2 2014 +