- Perfect weather for SISAC
- The bus ride back from SAS Pudong with Kelly, Kate, & Ingrid and our creepiness
- realizing that Jared Padalecki is both Sam from Supernatural AND Dean from Gilmore Girls, freaking out to Katie about it (she knew all along), then fangirling and proceeding to hunt for gilmore girls DVDs and watch gilmore girls for four hours and start downloading all the episodes.
- having a smiley monday, raging with Emily Larson, and Da's comment about middle school teachers not understanding his sarcastic insults hahahha :)
- rolling around the house in Ma's electric wheelchair with the funny little horn
- having a smiley bike ride to school tuesday & thinking of all my funny moments while laughing to myself, and then seeing Ma in her electric wheelchair going down the sidewalk with Da & then laughing hysterically on the street
- LAST EVER soccer practice & "pen 15" immature shenanigans on the bus. Then burning popcorn & walking home with Kelly :)
- pepper rice, ice cream, & marks & spencer in hong kong!
- repulse bay homestay with Alex being wayyyy better than the one at AISG :P
- pizza express dinner and the coning thing
- APAC! the hilarity of no hkis students being at the opening ceremony, playing in the thunderstorm and being soaking wet, the whole period thing, running through the rain to wellcome with kelly, our pb & j picnic lunch, walking up the stairs unnecessarily, watching the AISG-HKIS game from the cafeteria and joking around the whole time (just that lovely feeling of belonging and getting along perfectly well).
- Everything about friday and saturday at APAC (will list later [yolo {esp. katelyn}, best game ever in hkis tie, four hour apac record-setting game, watching aisg upset brent and getting into the finals, the final game, our reaction afterward, kelly and i being perfectly crazy ALL THE TIME!)
- singing eye of the tiger while cutting cinnamon rolls with Da and telling him all about APAC
- katie's hilarious faces when moving the table for the nhs induction
- seeing ma & da walk home together with ma in a wheelchair
- dinner with ping/julien/edward/robin/kevin at east west
- sports banquet: our last huddle, the yolo awards. Just this amazing team in general. C: SO MUCH HAPPINESS & LAUGHTER
apr 14 2012 ∞
apr 26 2012 +