CHARACTER SPECIFIC "You’re going to find your plot in your characters, more often than not. Don’t hesitate to let them lead the way."

  • External change coupled with internal change
    • External: character's situation, life circumstances, role has changed; may be world events (consider how they in turn effect personal change)
    • Internal: beliefs, ideas, worldview, understanding, revelations, maturity,
  • How you want the character to change vs how the character wants to change
    • What is the character lacking? What changes would better them?
    • YOUR goals for the character as their writer, their parental figure, the roller of the dice that determine their fate
    • How the character wants to grow as a person, what they'd like to change about themself
    • Ways that other characters would like this character to change, and how they feel about or would respond to those desires
  • Character's external goals
    • How they want to change the world around them
    • What they want to accomplish, achieve
    • Place they want in the world and in their immediate environment
  • Okay now how can they enact those changes, or how would they go about trying
    • How changes in the setting can accommodate this (and how they can complicate it)


  • Are there certain changes that occur in most/all of the main characters? (e.g. the cast learns how to survive in a post-apocalypse, the cast develops more trust in themselves, the cast becomes more aware of the impossible)
  • developing the plot in 9 sections

    • 1. The setup
    • 2. Something that interferes with or alters 1
    • 3. Where the main point of the story gets going; combine elements of 1 and 2; perhaps directly provoked by 2
    • 4. "powerful reversal of 1"
    • 5. Major pivot. Re-establish story so far, reversal of 2 and 4. Introduce a new obstacle or reveal a hidden one. Protagonist solidifies their reserve. Reminder of what's at stake.
    • 6. Major change or loss by reversing part of 3 and combining 4 and 5.
    • 7. Beginning of climax. Combine elements of 1 and 4 to get a point where all SEEMS to be going well, e.g. by a revelation. A major obstacle seems to be thwarted. Arriving at an intended destination.
    • 8. Reverse 7, suddenly it's all going wrong. Reveal anything still hidden. Bring together all that's gone before. Perhaps introduce an unforeseen Bigger Bad.
    • 9. Resolution.


advice ?

lists/ideas ?

nov 19 2014 ∞
nov 19 2014 +