based on snowflake method and Plot a Month ( and

Session One: Big structure

  • Create the project in yWriter and make a chapter devoted to planning/outlining/Snowflake steps.
  • One-sentence summary of story.
  • Then expand the one-sentence summary into a one-paragraph summary. Think about the major events that happen or the sweeping changes.

Session Two: Characters

  • Add major characters to the character list in yWriter.
  • Write one-sentence summary of each major character's personal storyline.
  • Add all characters and some rudimentary information about them to the character list.

Session Three: Environment

  • Write a paragraph about the overall setting (time and place).
  • Fill out the locations list in yWriter.
  • Write a one-paragraph description for each location. Include who frequents it and for what purpose or why they choose it.
  • Make a list of themes and recurring ideas or symbols.

Session Four: Character brainstorm

  • BRAINSTORM about the brainspace of each major character. Listy lists.
    • Abstract motivation, concrete goals, fears, conflicts/hurdles, revelations, changes

Session Five: Character synthesis

  • Write one page for each major character describing their brainspace and trajectory. (not biographical details)

Session Six

  • Write one-paragraph summary of each character's personal storyline.

Session Seven: Plot brainstorm

  • BRAINSTORM about the plot. Make lists and diagrams. Just write shit down.
    • Think about the plot in a high-level way. The ways that characters change, the way the world changes. Plot is really just like a mapping of the changes over time, right? Like, literally, an xy plot?
    • Write a big brainstorm list for 'thesis' (what's the point), then for 'antithesis' (what gets in the way), then for 'synthesis' (how it all comes together).
    • Do this exercise:

Session Eight: Plot synthesis

  • Take the one-paragraph plot summary and expand each sentence into its own paragraph.

Session Nine: Character storylines

  • Write one-page personal storyline for each primary character and half-page personal storyline for each secondary character.

Session Ten: Non-characters and story threads

  • Create yWriter entries for an important items, including abstract ones like philosophies or Ananthaism.
  • Write a similar 1/2 to 1 page storyline for non-characters: trace out the spread of an idea or disease, the trajectory and ownerships of a key item, the sequence of what goes down in a certain place, the history of who holds an office. Also trace subplot threads.

Session Eleven: Plot development

  • Take multi-paragraph plot summary and expand each paragraph into a full page.
  • Create yWriter chapters for the book itself. Maybe start with one page of summary = one chapter, and divide it further as needed. Perhaps think about grouping events into plot arcs instead 'chapters'.

Session Twelve: Character development

  • Write full biography of each character, listing everything you know about them, probably using some checklist type things.

Session Thirteen: Scenes

  • For each chapter, create a list of scenes in yWriter. Fill out the characters, location, and timeframe.

Session Fourteen: Scene development

  • For each scene, fill out the goal, conflict, and outcome.

Session Fifteen: Scene planning

  • For each scene, write a description. Throw any details or lines of dialogue that come to mind into the Notes tab.
nov 19 2014 ∞
nov 19 2014 +