• skip: have you SEEN HIM! you could get either sweet and submissive bellhop skip or a darker more dominant skip the ghost. everybody wins
  • stompin bob: incredibly sexy id let him stomp my bob if u kno what i mean
  • cadence: cadence would definitely be a good fuck, if uve ever seen her moves on the dance floor u kno shed be able to move as well in bed
  • rockhopper: as a person hes not incredibly fuckable but his giant migrator (wink wink) sets him above the rest
  • g billy: he would treat you right. hed fuck you good and make you breakfast
  • herbert: this spot only applies if ur a furry but if u are ud definitely know herbert would be incredible
  • dot: dot is definitely a freak. theres no denying shed give you the night of your dreams
  • gary: not very fuckable as a person but when u take his secret sex dungeon and his dildo 3000 into account he gets waaay sexier
  • ph: definitely a furry, probably shouts CRIKEY! when she nuts, but still a good fuck regardless
  • garianna: puts her witchcraft to good use to give you a truly magical night
  • tourdude: hot blonde twink who will gladly give you a tour of his bussy
  • petey k: same as above but hell probably somehow manage to use a whoopie cushion on u in bed
  • sensei: trained for years in the arts of pleasing his partners. however hes very old and probably needs a lot of viagra
  • aunt arctic: a seasoned veteran in the way of sex. she may be old and slow but she can still get freaky
  • rory: really nice dude, probably really strong from all the construction he does, but his forte is really more in building bedrooms than getting it on in bedrooms
  • garugg: probably really freaky and knows how to put that wooden club to good use, but really his caveguin instincts would end up killing the mood somehow
  • franky: definitely a super sweet guy, but not very fuckable- not that you couldnt fuck him, but hed probably cry during sex so take caution
  • gariwald: honestly not really fuckable at all, however he DOES have LOTS of money so it would be worth it to fuck him anyway
  • jet pack guy: contrary to popular belief hes extremely Un fuckable. probably fuckin wears that jetpack in bed
  • rookie: i love him so much more than my own life and hes objectively the best person on this list but hes an entirely non sexual entity so he has to be last
jul 16 2017 ∞
jul 16 2017 +