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I love lists because, let's face it, when those crazy Mayans and asteroids and evil alien ships finally destroy everything that's nice and lovely, or even when there's just a fire or just a bad cyclone that makes everything seem pointless, or even when I'm having a really bad stomachache and I've lost my homekeys and it's all again completely my own fault and I'm standing outside my house and my f...

listography NEW NEWS
  • 1984 - george orwell
  • 21. sajandi armastusluule - jürgen rooste
  • a doll's house - henrik ibsen
  • a farewell to arms - ernest hemingway
  • a time to love and a time to die - erich maria remarque
  • brave new world - aldous huxley
  • catcher in the rye - j.d. salinger
  • dead souls - nikolai gogol
  • everything is illuminated - jonathan safran foer
  • extremely loud and incredibly close - jonathan safran foer
  • franny and zooey - j.d. salinger
  • gomorra - roberto saviano
  • growth of the soil - knut hamsun
  • hingede öö - karl ristikivi
  • hollywood - charles bukowski
  • juliet, naked - nick hornby
  • kevad ja suvi ja - tõnu õnnepalu
  • kogutud luuletused - juhan viiding
  • kummuli linnad - paavo piik
  • lakoonia - paavo piik
  • magus - john fowles
  • minu eesti - justin petrone
  • mrs dalloway - virginia woolf
  • must mootorrattur - mati unt
  • naïve.super - erlend loe
  • nine stories - j.d. salinger
  • on the road - jack kerouac
  • one hundred years of solitude - gabriel garcía márquez
  • paradiis - tõnu õnnepalu
  • piiririik - emil tode
  • pikk jutt, sitt jutt - vello vikerkaar
  • post office - charles bukowski
  • rändaja õnn - mehis heinsaar
  • slapstick - kurt vonnegut
  • slaugtherhouse-five - kurt vonnegut
  • sonetid - jürgen rooste
  • steppenwolf - hermann hesse
  • tales of ordinary madness - charles bukowski
  • the glass bead game - hermann hesse
  • the lonesome traveler - jack kerouac
  • the master and margarita - mikhail bulgakov
  • the tobacco shop - álvaro de campos
  • this emotion was a little e-book - tao lin
  • to the lighthouse - virginia woolf
  • today the sky is blue and white with bright blue spots and a small pale moon and i will destroy our relationship today - tao lin
  • tõde ja õigus I - a.h. tammsaare
  • vanameeste näppaja - mehis heinsaar
oct 17 2010 ∞
jan 12 2011 +