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I love lists because, let's face it, when those crazy Mayans and asteroids and evil alien ships finally destroy everything that's nice and lovely, or even when there's just a fire or just a bad cyclone that makes everything seem pointless, or even when I'm having a really bad stomachache and I've lost my homekeys and it's all again completely my own fault and I'm standing outside my house and my f...

listography NEW NEWS
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  • the hobbit (dec 18th) i never expect much from epics like that one so i pretty much got what i hoped for. the theatre was filled with young schoolkids shouting obscenities and eating popcorn and spilling their coke
  • good copy bad copy (dec 11th) a really good documentary about copyright and the sampling culture. especially recommended for law students passionate about pop music. i know at least two
  • mystery (nov 28th) a film about fucked up lives of chinese playyas. it was a good movie to watch at the time, but i can't remember much emotions about it 2 weeks later. the pöff crew said it was probably the last movie ever to be shown in the good old athena. why? and sad.
  • 11:14 (nov 28th) not the most complex plot of human history but nicely drawn out in the end. liked the whole graveyard sex/death scene. crazy b-movie action going on there
  • good vibrations (nov 22th) a whole different movie experience than pieta. went with m after the music quiz, and man, dylan moran and teenage kicks and john peel...i'm just the target audience for this movie. but when this irish bastard finally got peel to play "teenage kicks" on his show and he played it TWICE. man i almost cried. m said she was afraid that i'd start dancing. i went really hysterical. a good movie with good humour, obligatory if you're a hopeless music freak. afterwards went back to the town and got really drunk, like kissing-your-friends-and-strangers-and-not-remembering-everything-in-the-morning drunk, which probably had something to with those... good vibrations. next morning (3pm) i put "teenage kicks" on and tried to do some dance moves in my room, but as soon as i moved my head, a sharp pain kicked in and i decided it was better to lay down again. good vibrations indeed
  • sleepwalkers (nov 20th) short movies by film students. remember the estonian film that was based on a short story by kundera. and they didn't give out any credit to kundera and figuring out why i know the story almost drove me crazy. the best part was the clip after the movies: "never buy a used condom. even if you know the guy"
  • pieta (nov 19th) i remember seeing "biutiful" last winter. as i exited the cinema i felt as if i had been trapped under an avalanche. "pieta" made me feel the same way. as if all that's bad and hopeless and evil and crooked and ugly about this world got compressed into a single movie. i walked home under the bridge and thought about crying, just to make my soul feel better. i was terrified i couldn't sleep because of "pieta". but i slept like a bab, because a movie is just a film is just a movie
  • skyfall (nov smth) k said it wasn't as good as a bond movie should be, but i only thought about the fact that it was so much better than most action movies
  • kõik muusikud on kaabakad (nov 4th) mul on hea meel, et see film lõpuks tehti, mul on hea meel, et ta nõnda ilus välja nägi, aga miski jäi ikka puudu. mulle meeldib, et saarik meedia ja kriitikute peale turtsub, mulle meeldib, et see film ekraanil kujutatu kas või hetkekski igapäevavestlusesse tõi. keegi peab tänapäeva ka kanoniseerima
  • a cross the universe (oct 31st) it was really just two french guys who don't speak english, but wear a nice leather jacket, roaming across the states, dropping some beats and brushing away blonde girls with no brains but big boobs. it was kind of funny from that aspect, glad it didn't last any longer tho
  • dig! (oct 31st) really a must-watch when interested in the dandy warhols, the brian jonestown massacre, all this mess about reverbed guitars and disoriented minds in general
  • stanley kubrick: a life in pictures (oct 30th) as i said to this middle-aged man ruining my romantic supper with m: "well what did you expect from a movie narrated by tom cruise?"
  • bukowski: born into this (oct 29th) well, when talking about writes, a movie about bukowski probably interests me more than a movie about anyone. very nicely done. that old fat bastard broke my heart when he read his poem about she rubbing his cock under the shower and he started crying so hard he couldn't finish the reading, only saying "it brings back memories". and that's exactly why HE could write a poem about a girl rubbing his cock and it's not banal or vulgar, because it's love and life, just the way it is. oh buk you never really drowned that bluebird, did you?
  • vaeste kirjanike maja (oct 23rd) jajah eks see teema ole mul ikka hinge peal, kusjuures tol nädalal oli eriti, kirjutasin terrakota ja käisin kaks korda luuletusi lugemas ja mõtlesin, et mis minust saaks, kui ma jääksin igavesti karlovasse vett kütma ja iseenda ego toitma ja tööpäevadel alkoholi jooma ja iseenda kurbusesse armuma. ja tuletas meelde tolle sauteri vist vikerkaares ilmunud essee oma pojast, mis on kõige kaunim ja liigutavam asi eesti kirjanduses ning see pole vist isegi ilukirjandus. väga ilus kirjandus see-eest küll. noh jah, mis elu see on, kui su ametinimetus on kirjanik? ma vist ei saa seda kunagi teada, ma ei tea, kas see on halb või hea.
  • eestlanna pariisis (oct smth) samuti liiga lineaarne, vähemalt oli ilus vaadata. ei meeldinud eesti kujutamine ühe paganama põrguauguna, samuti ka pariisi vägagi suur stereotüüpsus. lugesin artiklit jaapanlastest, kes satuvad pariisis depressiooni, sest kinolinal on neile seda unelmate paigana näidatud, kuid reaalsus on nagu igas suurlinnas: päris hall. raag tootis nii omal moel juurde ka eestlaste seas võimalikku "pariisi sündroomi" teket.
  • jesus hospital (oct 19th) waste of time tbh, too depressing and linear
  • enlightment film (oct 17th) korean movie days in tartu. before the movie a korean lady who was definitely more nervous than english-speaking tried to give a short lecture about korean pop culture, which didn't turn out very well. i felt so sorry for her and imagined myself trying to speak to a bunch of korean hipsters about koit toome with my thick estonian accent. the movie was okay, scenes about old houses always get to me
  • to rome with love (oct smth) i think only woody allen would be allowed to make this movie, it was so flawed in so many ways, but good actors nonetheless and woody still has some good quirks, but man, if they let him to get any looser, it's gonna end up with a disaster
  • wariazone (oct 2nd) oh maailm. mulle meeldis, kuidas wariad võtsid enda rasket saatust kergelt: nojah, mis seal ikka. selline hoolimatus ja elunautlemine ja teema, millest ma varem mitte midagi ei teadnud - väga väärt vaatamine. ja veelkord see, kuidas ühest ajastust teise kulgedes saab langeda - vanasti olid wariad need, kellele alt üles vaadati, mitte kellega magati, kui (tsiteerides siinkohal chalice'i) "oma vitt ei eruta"
  • stalker (sep 24th) i'm glad i went to see this on the big screen, definitely not worth a bad rip on a tiny computer screen. a baked cookies and we ate cookies on a plate. i think solaris impressed me more, but maybe it was just because i saw solaris before
  • toomiku film (sep 17th) inimesed, kes toomikust rääkides ainult purkisittumisest rääkida oskavad, võiksid selle doki ära vaadata. kohmetu toomik seisab ja seletab, et temagi ei tea, miks talle ühtäkki nii palju tähelepanu pöörati. ja tegelikult teab: sest välismaal järsku pöörati. üsna kurbnaljakas.
  • funky monks watched it in a bachelor apartment in berlin. stoned.
  • friends with benefits (july smth) just watched it to see justin timberlake having sex. no shame/regrets here
  • in bruges (july 13th) k's favourite movie. he likes the beauty in depressing things and so do i. townes van zandt in this broke my heart (into better pieces)
  • big lebowski (june smth) it's a shame i've never seen it before, but at least i didn't fall asleep like some did? shut the fck up, danny!
  • voices of a distant star / 5 centimeters per second (may 18th) i've always been really sceptical about anime, but this was the first anime i saw on the big screen and it's graphic beauty was something i never thought i'd admit. and the storyline. oh all the beauty. walked home with my soul all sore and aching
  • dear zachary: a letter to a son about his father (may 12th) s told me not google anything about this movie. and wow wow wow wow. i didn't want to believe what i was seeing the whole time. it was like watching "biutiful", my eyes were glued at the screen and my thoughts were like DEAR GOD PLEASE DON'T LET THESE PEOPLE GET INTO MORE TROUBLE but then of course the worst scenario happened all over again. but "biutiful" was fiction and this was real. boom. under a tidal wave, barely breathing
  • the beat hotel (may 9th) how to be an american writer in paris. really liked the part about dream machine. and the ever-present spirit and presence of kerouac was all over the movie despite him climbing mountains and highways and shit all by himself
  • mientras duermes (sleep tight)(apr 28th) mad shit, but quite good
  • varesesaare venelased (apr 19th) väga mõjuv. üritasime hansuga pärast linna minna, aga pidime tõdema, et oleme selleks liialt varesesaarel
  • napoleon dynamite (mar 29th)
  • before sunrise (mar 4th)
  • thirteen (mar 3rd)
  • drive (jan 27th)
  • sherlock s2 (jan)
  • exit through the gift shop (jan 19th)
jan 23 2012 ∞
jan 3 2013 +