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I love lists because, let's face it, when those crazy Mayans and asteroids and evil alien ships finally destroy everything that's nice and lovely, or even when there's just a fire or just a bad cyclone that makes everything seem pointless, or even when I'm having a really bad stomachache and I've lost my homekeys and it's all again completely my own fault and I'm standing outside my house and my f...

listography NEW NEWS
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  • maike lond, cats of destiny, zebra island (sept 6th) one friend said that maike was really untalented, but i found her quite enjoyable. cod were probably good to dance to but everyone were way too cool and artsy to punk'n'roll. at their best a bit happy mondays-esque. i've never really liked zebra, although their instrumentals are always well-done. but i was glad to see m's last gig, and i'm also happy that he's brave enough to do his own thing. that's what people should do.
  • ans. andur, galvanic elephants, laulan sinule (aug 31st) lately i have been going to parties just to get myself sorted out. it's a bit sad and embarrasing. i remember andur playing my favourite song (puhuvad tuuled) and i was really euphoric about that and then i just broke down and sat on the bench next to the wall and m came and sat next to me and i put my head on her lap and cried. but i'm sure that all of the bands were great. oh man
  • ltnt (aug 24th) it was in a bar at the other side of berlin and it felt a bit like von krahl. i wrote a poem in my phone and drank beer and talked to a pretty social worker who thought i was english. the band was like any other british band who listened to the strokes and now thought that kings of leon are cool
  • feist (august 13th) i remember buying the tickets one morning in may and waking s up just because i was so psyched about a flower garden in august. and then it was august and: the saddest part of a broken heart isn't the ending so much as the start
  • kukerpillid (july 29th) my uncle was like THIS IS A BIG FAMILY EVENT. as we never have these i had to drag my dead body out. kukerpillid are good, you know? but better on a vinyl than in a small town. hamburgers and ice cream and folk costumes. it ended with a storm. as we walked home, the stones bruised my legs
  • lauri-dag tüür, moon duo (july 28th) man, the visuals! moon duo was like that good old heliosphere-vibe i loved about krahl but haven't experienced in a while. first trolley home and the most horrible dog day ever
  • ewert and the two dragons, sbtrkt, the vaccines, manic street preachers, wild beasts, damien rice, jamie n commons, tiit kikas, elephants from neptune, dahling (july 21st) it was all a bit oh i came here to enjoy the summer and bands but ended up a bit oh i came here to sort out my personal problems. m got drunk (and she rarely ever gets) and was very talkative and i just stood there in the mud trying to smoke but it was raining so hard that the rain just broke my cigarette and cute boys with beards were singing "in the end there's only love" and i think if this what there really is in the end, i have never been more far away. anyway it was all probably nice and i was much happier seeing the bands and ruining my sneakers and getting into car accidents than sitting at home. but as an audience member i was probably quite useless. when manics played "you stole the sun from my heart" i was like fuck it that's my favourite manics song and if a girl hears her favourite manic song she is quite cool and happy. so yeah. so yeah
  • molly nilsson, ans. andur, zahir, zebra island, argo vals (july 14th) molly didn't play my favourite songs but i don't blame her. got too drunk and melodramatic. the taxi driver was fun and eating fish sticks 4am was also great.
  • junk riot, phlox, multiphonic rodent, animal drama, mirabilia, henri hütt, laulan sinule (june 30th - july 1st) life goal would be to have such a nice place and such a nice family and such a nice community around me to make something like that myself. otherwise dancing to junk riot on a country road will do just fine
  • vaiko eplik ja eliit (june 14th) kui poisid orienteeruvad oma elu eri perioodides jalka suurvõistluste abil, siis mina epliku plaatide ja kontsertide kaudu. paljud asjad olid detsembriga võrreldes samad, aga kokkuvõttes oli minu enda elu pisut parem. ikka tore
  • prägnantne brigaad (may 18th) haava skvott on kindlasti üks omapärasemaid kontserdipaikasid, kus ma käinud olen. elutuba majas ilma vee ja elektrita on üks õige lava. lemmikkoht oli siis, kui mu lemmikpoeet bändiga liitus roppusi karjuma. jee. seisin täpselt toiduga kaetud aknalaua ääres ja ulatasin väikestele poistele kausist küpsiseid
  • jmke (apr 21st) a and s were quietly headbanging, it's probably impossible to be a boy who likes punk and doesn't get all nostalgic at a jmke concert. then out of nowhere jumped m, shouthing things like IT'S A PUNK CONCERT LET'S MOSH and we all just stood in awe, thinking that m taking exctasy would be something the world would not handle. villu was too drunk to play. or maybe drunk enough to do so
  • galvanic elephants, mimicry, malcolm lincoln (apr 14th) galvanics are really getting better and better and i'm so happy for them. devoted fangirl no matter what. imagine 8bit mimicry covers. malcolm were better than before or maybe being drunk and shouting profanities in the first row also helped
  • dramamama/sibyl vane (mar 30th) can't say a thing/without vocals quite interpol-ish
  • marten kuningas/dahling (mar 8th) i'd have it in me to be the biggest fangirl ever but first he has to do a good song/oh a childood dream fulfilled/overall a very weird night. don't want to go back to that state anytime soon
  • kikiilimikilii & lafidki (feb 29th) i was too estonian to dance
  • kreatiivmootor (feb 17th) lost in speiss
  • prägnantne brigaad (+siim) (feb 14th) one of those most amusing amazing raw one-off things. maybe viiding & tõnis rätsep was something like this. but this is the 21st century and tartu and we're all mad here
  • luka (feb 11th) self-confidence. there were about 10 people on the floor and she just took the mic and sang in the middle of those people. while being VERY sensual. next maria minerva. one of those nights that are just as chilled out as you hoped for
  • sterochemistry / mimicry / loss paranoias (feb 10th) sterochemistry and lp can be best described by "pop music that does absolutely nothing for you". at least mimicry makes you dance
  • laika virgin / galvanic elephants (feb 9th) lv were better than i remembered from the last time and galvanics are getting better each time. the night was just mindless fun and lots of old friends and new friends and friends of friends and crashing birthday parties and getting 5 people into a taxi. good night was good
  • orelipoiss / shelton san (jan 28th) mr pehk is always amusing. i just sat there and tried to find the balance between talking, stalking, laughing and just smiling mysteriously. orelipoiss meanwhile had it all balanced. there were some middle-aged people who sang along to everything. it was kind of cute. ss/elton john were good as always. but man was it foggy. i could barely see i could barely breathe. those smoke machines really get carried away sometimes. they finished with platonist which was what we had secretely hoped for. so that was nice. and it's always nice to be in some fancy vinotheque that's not even opened yet and drink free wine at 3am. not really knowing what you're doing there or who are these people (or: i know who these people are but i also know they don't know a thing about me)
  • loore martma / mona de bo (jan 11th) reminded me of myself in the fragile age of 14, writing my own songs about how i'm in love with people who don't even know about my existence. but as i heard it was her 1st gig and admirable courage nevertheless. and i'd be lying if i said she was talentless. / my friends said it was too "masculine" but for me it was just what i came to see. as someone wrote "one long note. but a very good one!" makes me miss the heliosphere festival even more.
  • shelton san / galvanic elephants / a very impromptu badass yuki (jan 1st) as i said the previous night: "all i want to do in the new year is get drunk and dance by myself" and one girl i did not know happened to overhear that statement and nearly died of laughter. i don't blame her, i would've done the same. but anyway it worked. only poor guys who had to play at 4.30 am, it's not okay, no, not even on new year's, musicians are humans too
jan 23 2012 ∞
jan 3 2013 +