• most of what i tweet is lighthearted and for laughs, so no use in finding the logic of my shitposts. if you're taking me seriously, that's your problem.
  • most likely won't follow you if you're not over 18 or you're a rt bot. i also have no room for sexist, racist, and/or homophobic people on my tl or around me.
  • if you aren't feelin' the mutual, feel free to softblock. the same applies vice versa.
  • alternatively! if we're mutuals and you're uncomfortable with any of my tweets, my dm's are always open for you to roast me. my cc is also open if you prefer anonymity.
  • everyday is a learning experience. i'm not perfect, and i'm bound to fuck up, so if you would be as gracious as to educate me when i've done wrong... that would be great.
may 2 2018 ∞
may 2 2018 +