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So friends, this is an exercise in ego, but I can live with that. It's also the easiest way to encourage stalkers without seeming entirely nuts. I'll live with that too.

About: I'm a student at UBC in lovely, rainy Vancouver. I live in an old house in the city with some rad roommates and a lot of house plants. I'm a writer, reader, activist, cyclist, and a history and anthropology major.

encre music (concerts)
spiritual (vestments)
theatre (Broadway)
  • Find a building. Imagine what's going on inside.
  • Find an apartment building. Imagine how many people are in it, and how many of them are doing the same things.
  • Look at the person nearest you. What's his or her name?
  • What would they name their kids?
  • What's on their bedside table? Their bathroom counter?
  • Where are they coming from, where are they going?
  • What's their biggest regret?
  • Imagine having a conversation with the person waiting behind you for the bus. No small talk.
  • You see a hipster. Contemplate whether he or she is actually hipster, or if he or she is gay. Sometimes it's obvious, what a bummer.
  • Look for people doing unexpected things. Then look around to see if anyone has noticed.
  • Do something odd. Did anyone notice that?
  • Smile. Count the smiles you receive back. Bonus points if there's more than you can count on your fingers.
oct 2 2012 ∞
oct 2 2012 +