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So friends, this is an exercise in ego, but I can live with that. It's also the easiest way to encourage stalkers without seeming entirely nuts. I'll live with that too.

About: I'm a student at UBC in lovely, rainy Vancouver. I live in an old house in the city with some rad roommates and a lot of house plants. I'm a writer, reader, activist, cyclist, and a history and anthropology major.

encre music (concerts)
spiritual (vestments)
theatre (Broadway)
  • Abstemious- not self-indulgent, esp. when eating or drinking
  • August- as an adjective: respected and impressive
  • Bumptious- self-assertive or proud to an irritating degree
  • Chimerical- something hoped for and wished for but in fact either illusory or impossible to achieve
  • Complaisance- willingness to please
  • Consonant- in agreement with
  • Desultory- lacking purpose, enthusiasm or understanding; in conversation or speech, veering from the essential topic at hand; occasionally: occurring randomly
  • Dilettante- an individual who cultivates an area of interest, such as the arts, without real commitment or knowledge
  • Expostulate- express strong disagreement or disapproval
  • Gloaming- twilight, dusk
  • Inculcate- instil by persistent instruction
  • Irradiate- illuminate
  • Irascible- having or showing a tendency to be easily angered
  • Irrupt- enter forcefully or suddenly (not to be confused with errupt)
  • Maunder- talk in a rambling manner
  • Mien- a person's look or manner, esp. one indicating their character or mood
  • Parvenu- a person of obscure origin who has gained wealth, fame or influence. Often derogatory.
  • Piquant- pleasantly stimulating or mentally exciting
  • Prognathous- projecting, in the anatomical case of the lower jaw in humans or of the mandibles in insects
  • Sedulous- showing dedication or diligence
  • Sententious- given to moralizing in a pompous or affected manner
  • Shibboleth- a custom, principle, or belief that distinguishes one group of people from another, esp. a long standing one regarded as outmoded or no longer important
  • Vaticinate- to tell the future
jun 2 2013 ∞
jun 2 2013 +