- Kynodontas dir. by Yorgos Lanthimos
- Mogwai - Coolverine; Helicon 1; Take me somewhere nice
- Hazai Attila - Szilvia szüzessége
- Bognár Péter - A rodológia rövid története (!!!!! highly recommend)
(btw, it's been a really dull month! honestly, nothing interesting has ever occured therefore this list takes some real strenght and guts to be finished)
- raw almond milk (not the roasted one; it has a more subtle taste, smells of real marcipan AND tastes so silky, smooth and refreshing)
- big ass family events, e.g. nameday celebrations with loads of alcohol (not that I am alcoholic) and cake
- other social outings, for instance, drinking and chatting, contemplating life and listening to industrial music or 80s new wave electropop and just play cards, eat and have fun (still, i am a real loner and morbidly antisocial hh)
- being smoke free! (i mean i am a social smoker, i smoke whenever i drink and i drink whenever i go out which happens quite rarely, so technically i am smoke free)
- checkered coats
- long sleeps and clay masks