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"I can believe things that are true and I can believe things that aren't true and I can believe things where nobody knows if they're true or not."

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  • 8|1
    • i cant remember much but i was in a grocery store and waiting around like i wasnt supposed to be there. i wanted to act like i had something to do so i decided to look for bisquick so i could make those red lobster biscuits..but i didnt know where to look in the store so i went to this wall of digital magazines and was clicking on them to search for something. but then i started looking up fashion stuff because i was going to draw. i clicked on something and it was a picture of tyra banks and somehow she was in the store, in the refrigerated foods aisle, with someone who was supposed to be a model, idk. and i was disgusted because tyra looked all shrunken and gross and super skinny and it was so hypocritical after she went on tv a few years ago and said she was proud of gaining weight or w/e. but i was talking to her, and apparently i was going to do fashion drawings for her, and i doodled something and looked down and it was awesome.. unfortunately i dont draw like that in real life.. ha. so yeah thats all i remember.
    • [from a nap] i was at my aunt and uncle's house, sitting on the couch. my mom was there, my aunt, and two of my older cousins who i dont talk to. one of them, britney, was grabbing the bible on the couch bc she apparently had bible study or something. my aunt freaked out and was like, "CAREFUL you'll rip your pops' favorite bible verse out!!!" and i lol'd at how much she truly exaggerates everything. my other cousin, melody, came in and told britney she'd drive her to bible study and to hurry up.. she started complaining that her head hurt but melody forced her to leave - it was starting in a minute or something. britney was like, "but i only got to one verse!" in a really funny voice but i just thought it was stupid. my mom and i never said anything to them during this time btw, ha. after they left, my mom was trying to get me to do work and i told her my head hurt and she got really mad, i think because she thought i was making it up. i tried to explain i wasn't and it hurt because i was sleeping on it weird but she was already in a bad mood so it didnt matter. then my mom freaked out and was like "did you do it?!?!" or something, and i was completely confused as to what she was saying, but she definitely expected me to know what she was talking about. she yelled, "i'm gone one day!! and you mess up??!!" and i started panicking, running through my mind anything i could be forgetting to do [kinda doing it now that i'm awake too]. i tried to casually glance onto the couch to make sure my cigarettes werent visible, i was worried it was something to do with that. but it was worse - i felt a jolt of fear as i realized i was supposed to be taking care of my neighbor's cats while they were on vacation! and not only had i not remembered the day my mom was gone, i hadn't remembered for like the last week.. i started to panic and was so scared the animals were all dead. so i woke up all upset :[
  • 8|2
    • all i remember is that i was putting on mac makeup with rachel, it was a matter of life or death, something really bad was going to happen to us and some lady was watching us. i was using liquid black liner on my lower eyelids and it looked cool but i was nervous because i dont really wear makeup/know how to wear makeup and i kept messing up. then my eyes started hurting.
  • 8|3 - i can only remember fragments
    • i found out that my brother was smoking weed, from the things he was saying online and around me. i got really upset and worried about him and knew i needed to talk to him. i felt like he was too young and i didnt want anything bad to happen to him. i was trying to come up with stories to disuade him from smoking, but they all sounded so dumb, and i was worried about talking to him about it.
    • something was wrong with my legs, they were mangled, and for some reason i couldnt shower in my own bathroom and had to use my parents. but my mom and brother were doing toiletries in there and wouldnt leave so i had to cover the glass shower doors with towels to block myself. i was really mad. i got in the shower and told my brother he better not pee in the water, which was for some reason ankle deep. somehow, from the outside of the shower, he detached his penis and peed in it.. i mean, i didnt see it, but i'm assuming this is what happened because he was far away from the shower but the water started turning yellow and i was freaking out and yelling to my mom. this is fucked up, idk.
    • we were sort of friends with this scary group of huge black guys.. they were like all gang members and we were mainly only civil with them because one of our friends [idk who] lived in their apt. turns out their apt was the commons 1 room that mike lives in. i was walking up the stairs to go to max's and for some reason i decided to try opening the door of their apt. it was unlocked, and opened up and there were some guys standing in there. maybe they were getting dressed or something but they got really mad and came out into the hall and were yelling.. all of our friends and the guy we knew who lived there were standing outside of max's door. i like slid to the floor outside of max's room and was sitting there while they yelled at me. but they were sort of kidding i guess, because i was like their little sister, and then just started making fun of me and i was acting silly. i felt like a buneary hiding in her fur.
    • i feel like this part happened twice in my dream - i was crossing the street and on the other side there was a group of black guys singing about jesus - they were apparently advertising for tom's shoes. i avoided them because i didnt want any shoes and walked into the outdoor patio of a margarita bar/restaurant. i navigated through people to the back, which looked out onto a block of construction - on the other side of the construction was my house. usually i just walked across it to get home, but today there were a bunch of firemen doing drills with huge ladders and i didnt want to get in the way so i decided to walk around it, along this ridge of super green grass. when i got home, my house was so fucking weird. there were a bunch of people i didnt know. one of the main rooms seemed to be a living room but it had a huge bed in it and a faucet coming out of the wall opposite it at about knee level. there were some rooms in the back and at least one bathroom, but for some reason i took a shower at the faucet - twice. the second time i watched this really attractive shirtless guy go to the faucet, get what he needed - idk what - and then go to the bathroom to finish showering. i realized that made more sense because i was in the middle of the living room and it wasnt exactly private, and everything seemed rather moist, but i wanted to finish showering quickly bc i wanted to talk to him. other things happened but now i cant remember.
  • 8|4
    • my dad gave me a present for some sort of occasion - it was a tiny little book of psalms in which you acted them out, they were all sort of battles we were going to do together. all of a sudden we were travelling back in time, creating a new civilization. it was nighttime, and super dark, except for a bonfire on top of a step-pyramid temple that looked aztec. my dad told me to climb up, and the motions of worship we were doing would influence the actual natives and start to alter how they were going to develop. then there was a flash of lightning and we traveled forward in time, we were higher up the pyramid, we were trying to get to the top-middle to stand in front of the fire and become their leaders.
    • i was in my apt, it looked completely different though, it seemed more like a house because the window in the kitchen was on the second floor and i could see trees and the driveway down below. everything was completely different, the kitchen looked really modern and had an island in the middle. i think my parents were there, because i was complaining to someone about how sydney had left her coffee pot and food out and we were supposed to be keeping the place spotless. just then she walked onto the deck with her bf, getting ready to leave. i felt bad and hoped she didnt hear me, but i figured since she was leaving i could have some of the delicious coffee drink she had made so i poured myself some. then she came back in and pulled this awesome screen down over some of the cupboards, that i didnt even know existed, to hide away the coffee pot.
    • i woke up [in my dream] and dee was lying next to me, he had a wet stain on his boxers, and for some reason i decided to press down on it, pressing down super hard onto his shaft. it apparently hurt extremely badly because he screamed and was moaning in pain and freaking out. i said i was sorry, i just wanted to touch the spot bc i thought it was cute and i didnt know it would hurt. he explained that if pushed upon, the inside of his penis would lose shape a little bit, and feel horrible because it was out of kelter. it was really hard to get back into place or something. it was gross.
    • dee and i were watching this movie where the evil villain was this hot girl in a bikini and heels. the superhero was a normal looking girl, but in the scene we were watching she challenged the villain somehow and the villain was scoffing at her, saying she could never compare. then the superhero was walking, strutting-like, and pulled off her lab coat to reveal the villain's outfit - but better. and she slipped on hotter heels without missing a stride and blew the villain out of the water. dee was touching himself. i watched emotionlessly.
aug 2 2010 ∞
aug 15 2012 +