- iron my dress
- clean boots
- wear fancy underthings
- clean brushes
- white, luscious complexion
- super defined, slimmer face
- perfect red lips (defined corners for longer mouth)
- drawn in eyebrows
- fake eyelash illusion
- freja hair
- hi im cassie
- buy cigarettes
during party
- look and act fabulous the whole night
- manipulate people
- give him some thrills he'll never forget by making use of him being drunk and also tanya and cassie combined are a MONSTER! drink TO them.
- be more focused and dominant
- always leave the party before the last drink is poured.
after party
- go home early and rest after you clean off make up
- have a coffee after
- shower
dec 30 2012 ∞
jan 1 2013 +