- inxera syndrome
- :wumpscut: - homo gothikus industrialis x
- nachtmahr - traume
- terrolokaust - nihilismo moral
- amduscia - evil song
- engelmacher - useless gestures x
- suicide commando - bind torture kill x
- studio-x - search and destroy x
- traumatize - get a fucking life x
- pudding alamode - dangerous nude
- Simon Schall - Mechanik
- Tonal Y Nagual - Cog in the machine
- Terrorfreuenz - Virus Wut (Dunkelheitversion)
- Terrorfrequenz - Deine schlaege
- Terrorfrequenz - Hellectro (Gorgot Mix)
- Terrorfrequenz - Paranoid (Dunkelheitversion)
- Genetic Disorder - Patientenfick
- Straftanz - Burn down heaven
- Shnarph! - Virus (U.N.K Reactor mix)
- Phosgore - Warhead
- Phosgore - Contagion
- X-Fusion - Please kill yourself
jul 1 2012 ∞
aug 26 2012 +