ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ RED VELVET WENDY (17/28)
- ☐ ice cream cake
- ☑︎ the red
- ☑︎ the velvet
- ☑︎ russian roulette
- ☑︎ rookie 2/2
- ☑︎ the red summer 2/2
- ☑︎ the red summer
- ☑︎ the red summer 2
- ☑︎ perfect velvet 2/2
- ☑︎ perfect velvet
- ☑︎ perfect velvet 2
- ☐ the perfect red velvet 1/2
- ☑︎ the perfect red velvet
- ☐ the perfect red velvet 2
- ☑︎ #cookie jar
- ☑︎ summer magic 3/3
- ☑︎ normal
- ☑︎ limited
- ☑︎ limited clear card
- ☐ #rbb 1/2
- ☐ sappy
- ☐ the reve festival day1 1/3
- ☐ guidebook
- ☑︎ day1
- ☐ day1 2
- ☐ the reve festival day2 0/3
- ☐ trf guidebook
- ☐ trf day2
- ☐ trf day2 2
- ☐ the reve festival finale 1/3
- ☐ guidebook
- ☑︎ finale
- ☐ finale 2
ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ NCT DOYOUNG (5/19)
- ☐ cherry bomb
- ☐ empathy 1/2
- ☐ regular-irregular 0/2
- ☐ regulate
- ☐ superhuman
- ☑︎ neozone 3/3
- ☑︎ n version
- ☑︎ c version
- ☑︎ t version
- ☐ the final round 0/2
- ☐ 1st player
- ☐ 2nd player
- ☐ resonance pt. 1 1/3
- ☐ past
- ☐ future
- ☑︎ yearbook card
- ☐ resonance pt. 2 0/4
- ☐ departure
- ☐ arrival
- ☐ id card
- ☐ access card
aug 7 2018 ∞
mar 24 2021 +