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wishlist (books)
jun 5 2014
movies (2014)
may 18 2014
music (I need to download)
feb 7 2013
quotes (that I like?)
feb 7 2013
movies (animation)
feb 7 2013
music (people I saw live)
jun 5 2014
television (shows I watched)
may 18 2013
to do (thing i want to do;)
feb 7 2013
travel (places to visit before i die)
feb 7 2013
television (feb 14 - apr 14)
jun 5 2014
television (hiatus and what not)
jun 5 2014
television (oct 13 - jan 14)
feb 16 2014
about me (songs about me - 2013)
jan 12 2014
friends (secret santa)
jan 12 2014
movies (2013)
jan 12 2014
television (june 13 - sept 13)
oct 11 2013
television (jan 13 - may 13)
jun 10 2013
books (i need to read,)
mar 12 2013
television (sept 12 - dez 12)
feb 7 2013
movies (2012)
feb 7 2013
crushes (yes)
feb 7 2013