• inspired by x


    • slytherin: cold and grey skyes, smell of new books, hands full of ink, friction, being silent, getting as a present a relic that belonged to your family, a silver ring in your index finger, cracking your knuckles, ruins of a great building, writing in your books, framing your diploma, wondering, the universe, pain in your chest from crying, feeling too much, biting your pen, feeling unable to show your love for your loved ones, looking as if you were thinking of something great.


    • the studious reader: reads in coffe shops and at the library, drinks lots of lattes, takes the best pictures, lives for the aesthetic, blankets and cozy outfits and candles are a priority no matter the place and time of year or day, probably a literature student or in a social sciences field, tabs, comes up with the weirdest and most detailed theories


    • bisou (kiss): gets crushes easily but may fear intimacy, loves soft things, cares a lot about what others think, wants love more than anything
    • sirène (mermaid): scared of being alone, carefree, loves the moon, bilingual, mood changes like the weather, sad most of the time, a bit mysterious


    • novel: Daydreams a lot. Running through fields. Lifelong friendships. Wants to change the world. Great memory. Tactful. Fine details.Wears their heart on their sleeve.
    • short stories: Talks too fast. Wants to run away. Kissing in the dark. Quick touches. Falls in loves easily. Humming softly. Whispered secrets. Can’t stay in one place very long.
    • theory: Conspiracy theories. Long conversations. Midnight drives. Late nights. Circles under their eyes. Bites their nails. Gets worked up easily. Long rants in the middle of the night.


    • aurora borealis: spends most of the day in headphones, mind is always in the clouds, lover of arts, very sensitive, unravels philosophical ideas in casual conversations, gives warm hugs, knows a lot of interesting facts for some reason, understands you completely when you’re feeling really down


    • persephone: always trying to improve herself, feeling as if you were not enough, falling in love with the things that are the oppsite of you, baking, radiant, never doing what people expect you to do, a picnic basket full of apples and peaches, flower crowns, independent and soft, cheek kisses, spring, blooming.
    • hestia: unmatched socks, vintage video games, timid, making the best presents, purple and red, coffee with lots of milk, trying to understand people, philosophical questions, writing love letters that will never be sent, wax, hearing the fire crackling and getting your sight lost in the flames.


    • train on the rails: daydreamer — always find themselves lost in thought and ideas, always carry more than actually necessary in a purse or bag and there’s at least one book, feel like they are the main character of a movie, determined to reach their dreams, love to talk about things they enjoy and do it excitedly.


    • nighttime lover: black-out curtains and sci fi-movies, bad communicator, scars, a tragic past and a desperate desire for a kinder present, late night phone calls, bottled emotions, probably scared of love, listens to music 24/7


    • winter girls: the longest hugs where they refuse to let go. soft music in the background, sleeping on your shoulder in the car. eyes full of stories, long conversations about the meaning of life in the darkness. sentimental objects and words from the right person can comfort them. they can act emotionless, but they melt in your arms. temptation to stay in bed during the daylight and stay awake until dawn. they make you appreciate midnights and find love in silent moments.


    • faeries: loves floral scents, often loses track of time by being in the clouds too much, sings along to the radio, gets sad when they think about their past
    • elves: eloquent speakers or thinkers, constant sarcastic internal monologue, very competitive but they don’t show it, acts cold but are secretly soft


    • zeus: dark circles under the eyes for reading too much, falling in love easily, pride, stadium lights, the darkness right before the sunrise, your breath drawing in the air as a white cloud, fog, cold stone, being both an intellectual and an athlete, poor self esteem, always comparing to others, creation.


    • actor: wears one pair of sneakers year round, listens to musicals, sorta depressed, loves ancient mythology, talks to the new kid, messy backpack, a complete narcissist yet also extremely self-deprecating, pretty lips n eyes.


    • sweetheart: summer breezes, compliments everyone, probably owns a pair of overalls, tea drinker, can’t sing for shit but still does anyway, favorite type of food is dessert.
    • cutie: likes baking, says they’re stupid but is actually really damn smart, wants pastel hair, takes really nice notes, ice cream, favorite article of clothing is an oversized hoodie, pretty eyes.


    • london: new ideas, old architecture, a soft voice, flickering candles, intelligent eyes, loud laughter, dancing alone in your room, big dreams, hot tea.
    • montréal: comfy socks, french bakeries, lover of books, bold thoughts, wide smiles, kinda broken, cute jackets, warm hot chocolate, cobblestone streets.
    • rome: loves museums, kind words, tangled earbuds, a bit in love, bright eyes, artsy photos, likes history, open windows, probably sings in the shower.
mar 2 2019 ∞
mar 3 2019 +