• an INTJ’s description of the 16 types: socially oblivious nerds who can be both hilarious and intimidating at the same time. they will probably surprise you in everything they do, but because they often function in a set pattern (however complicated) they can be more predictable than you may think. feel free to toy with them, but be prepared for instant retaliation. expect puns and unconventional jokes.
  • MBTI fight scale: 20/100 all those hours hitting the books instead of hitting the gym have landed you a pair of very small noodle arms, you frickin nerd. being smart won’t save you from a knuckle sandwich
  • MBTI + strengths and weaknesses: (+) strategic, quick-thinkers, self-confident, decisive, hardworking, determined, open-minded, knowledgeable; (-) arrogant, judgmental, too analytic, hate structure, clueless in romance
  • squads:
    • late sleepers early awakers
    • might murder you for fun
  • the very basics: analytical, straightforward, skeptical
  • when shit happens: knew shit was gonna happen and prevented it from happening
  • little things that make each type happy: being allowed to achieve a goal or accomplish a task their own way. being able to connect with someone who has the same hunger for knowledge that they do. being around someone who understands them, and appreciates the way that they are. when a well-crafted plan comes together beautifully. cracking an intellectual puzzle. good books.
  • Myers Briggs by greek gods: Athena, goddess of wisdom
  • honest MBTI stereotypes: 50% standoffishness, 50% being right all the time, 100% better than you
jan 26 2018 ∞
jan 29 2018 +