• fairy tale aesthetics: sleeping dragons, secret keys and gold crowns
  • the signs and their husbands: Dylan O'Brien
  • zodiac aesthetics: stars, vintage, symmetry, glass, polaroids, high ceilings, vanilla, willow trees
  • more sign aesthetics: clean sheets, sleeping in late. sunlight pouring into your room. stretching, the smell of chocolate chip pancakes. CD's and clothes everywhere, intimacy. bonfires, exotic beaches, and slightly out-of-tune guitars.
  • the signs' wings: a burst of orange, growing more intense towards the inside and fainting to white towards the outside of the wings. some are said to fade to black
  • weather associated with the signs: warm sunset
  • the signs, first impression/ when you get to know them: warm hearted, giving and generous/ stares at the floor a lot, likes hugs
  • color theme: pale gold and cream
  • feelings related to the signs: standing up for what you believe in. opening a window on a windy day. writing a poem. sleeping in a strange room. waking up before your alarm. picking flowers.
  • astrological poems: you are the nostalgia of swing sets; you are the smell of petrichor, you are a childhood lullaby, only half-remembered. (who you want to be is never out of reach.)
  • not-your-average description of the signs: you have so many interests and hobbies because your personality by itself is boring as fuck. who gives a shit, though -- you're a hell of a lot more intelligent than the lot of all the assholes around you.
  • personal impressions of the signs: proud, problem solvers, place friendships very high, not afraid to call you out, work is just as important as play
  • the signs after throwing shade: *sips vodka* (blunt shade/talking shit)
  • the signs as the senses: the feeling of the sun hitting your thighs, the sound of a crackling bonfire, the taste of hot tea, the sight of fireworks on the Fourth of July, the smell of a burned out match.
  • what the signs fall in love with: clumsiness, cute laughs, gentle physical contact, messy hair, confidence
  • 100% proven zodiac analyses: melodramatic fun-loving fucks
  • coming of age movie: ferris bueller's day off
  • the signs and why you're sad: magic isn't a real thing
  • the signs' type of humour: relatable humour, they say things that everyone is thinking but everyone else is too afraid to say it
  • character you'd be in an anime: big yaoi seme with big yaoi hands
  • astrological signs in love: falls in love rarely. completely, 100%, OH MY GOD BARBARA CALL THE POLICE stuck in love when they do. painful to watch honestly, but shit it's cute
  • the signs as writers: they know their characters better than anyone else. sometimes they may spend more time writing backstories (and doing world-building) than actually writing the book, but at the end it’s all worth it. that’s why their characters feel like real people.
  • the signs as pretty english words: lilt (v) - to move musically
  • the signs as emotions people feel, but can't explain: nighthawk. a recurring thought that only seems to strike you late at night—an overdue task, a nagging guilt, a looming and shapeless future—that circles high overhead during the day, that pecks at the back of your mind while you try to sleep, that you can successfully ignore for weeks, only to feel its presence hovering outside the window, waiting for you to finish your coffee, passing the time by quietly building a nest.
  • if the signs were superheroes/villains: hero: danger sense. you are aware of approaching danger before it reveals itself. villain: probability manipulation. you have the power to alter the outcomes of things that require luck or the occurrence of unusual phenomena.
  • the signs as anime tropes: very cutesy, but will kill you when given a reason to
  • aka the zodiac signs: the person that just needs the simple things to make them happy
  • the signs as latin phrases: pulvis et umbra sumus - we are dust and shadow.
  • six word stories: but nobody knows the real me
  • squads:
    • "i'm not jealous but what's mine is mine only"
    • "seems shy at first but crazy as fuck once you get to know them"
    • "lol (i'm going to fucking stab you) it's fine :)"
    • "fuck with me, see what happens"
    • "cancels plans so they can sleep"
    • "has the highest dating standards"
    • "doesn't know what they're doing but everyone believes they do"
    • "i told y'all this would happen but no one listens to me"
    • "cute but deadly"
    • "strange music taste"
    • "I must type absolutely flawlessly, with accurate punctuation, capitalization, and grammar. Regardless of what device I am using, my sentences will always be near perfect"
    • "loyal asshole friends"
    • "doing everything at the last minute"
    • "fuck this shit, i'm out"
    • "doing the project the night before and it's still better than yours"
    • "actually badass af"
    • "nice but rude, confident but insecure, awkward but smooth"
    • "more salt in body than water"
    • "gets jealous but is too prideful to admit it"
    • "*works hard for 10 minutes* wow this is too much *takes 2 hour long break*"
    • "badass and also cries themselves to sleep"
    • "writes non-stop but doesn't share it with anyone"
  • i'm scared \ so i: i’m scared they’ll forget me \ so i keep reminding them i’m here
  • signs' not-so-good traits: most manipulative, best mastermind
  • what's on the signs' minds 99% of the time: something really fucking gay or really fucking salty
  • the signs as chandler bing one liners: i’m not great at the advice. can i interest you in a sarcastic comment?
  • the signs as types of fanfiction: high school AU
  • the signs as feelings: singing in the car with the windows rolled down. looking in the mirror and smiling. wanting something and not knowing what.
  • the signs as three feelings: the second your favorite band steps onto the stage. all of your friends laughing at once, none of you able to contain yourselves for several minutes. getting complimented on your biggest insecurity.
  • the signs when angry: if words were swords
  • the signs as the six types of love: mania // obsessive love; experience great emotional high and lows; very possessive and often jealous lovers
  • how much the signs say they care // how much they actually care: 20 // 100³
  • the signs after they die: starts a new life as a god
  • the signs and their hogwarts houses: Slytherin with Gryffindor tendencies
  • the signs as condiments: ketchup. everyone loves u except the people that don't
  • the signs as verbs: to cherish
  • zodiac archetypes: The Protector, The Warrior, The Artist, The Actor, The Ruler, The King, The Performer, The Golden Child, The Healer, The Prophet, The Magician, The King, The Queen, The Guardian
  • the signs and what they're always a slut for: meaningful friendships
  • the signs as people i actually know: shy, they have a really cute smile and always giggle, but they always look like their in a different world, and hate to see others upset, but really, you have no idea hats going on in their head
  • what the signs search on google: "whats the coolest emoji to use on a daily basis"
  • the signs texting: reads your message but forgets to reply
  • 100% true facts about the signs: spends all their money on food
  • signs as untranslatable french words: la douleur exquise - the pain of unrequited love
  • signs as untranslatable foreign words: kjæreste. norwegian – a gender neutral term for girlfriend or boyfriend. it literally translates as “dearest”.
  • the signs, yo: simultaneously the most self-absorbed and caring people; luscious locks; so intimidating, but it’s all a big, fat lie if you’re friends; would kill for you; childish and immature; can actually be very practical minded; really wants you to like them, but they’re not going to try hard for your approval; let them have the last word because they’re going to have it eventually.
  • things you never hear about the signs: they blame themselves for everything. a leo may act like a diva, throw a temper tantrum and accuse you of ruining their life, but inside, their heart is breaking because they failed themselves. not only that, but they failed you, too. and they hate themselves for that. they have trouble forgiving others, but they have even more trouble forgiving themselves.
  • advice for the signs: you are amazing, and everyone around you knows it. if you're being too hard on yourself, lighten up a little because so far you've done everything right. everything happens for a reason, and if you feel guilty or sad about something just remember that your experiences have shaped who you are today - a beautiful, wonderful, magical creature with sparkling eyes, a loving soul and fabulous hair.
  • what the signs need to hear: listen up y’all, it’s okay to be insecure. it’s okay to be hurt. it’s okay to feel sad. let your pride down sometimes and just feel everything. your friends won’t leave you because you’re sad. you’re such sensitive little things and so authentic i love it. you want to be happy so bad that you keep on fighting like the lion you are and it’s great. it’s okay to break down sometimes and you gotta remember that. even lions have things to get through. you’ll be okay, but keep your chin up and remember things get better.
  • new years resolutions for the signs: drink more water // work on your anger issues // save more money // exercise regularly // procrastinate less // take up a new hobby
  • concepts for the signs: concept: my wings carry me higher and higher and i watch the world become smaller and smaller
  • how the moon signs feel: they have a heart made of gold, and they feel in spontaneous waves of passion, like paint splattering onto a perfectly blank canvas. they feel in the form of art; they are art, residing high up on the pedestal they have made for themselves.
jan 26 2018 ∞
jan 29 2018 +