Things I am terrible at:

  • 1 Dancing:I have no clue what happened but I no longer can dance. Talk about two left feet. I tried learning the fox trot, mash potato, and the Charleston, but my mind could not coordinate itself to follow all the movements at once. It was baffling and I am sure my friend Natalie felt frustrated. On top of that, I danced all of my childhood. When I was a child I would go to dance class all the time, I went to a performance arts school, even when I was a teenager I would go. I have no clue what happened.
  • 2 Commitment:I have not been in a relationship for three years now. I got into my last relationship because I was set up by friends. Although I love it, I still had a complex. It is difficult me to commit to things even if they are not a relationship, like school, and finishing projects.
  • 3 Driving: The first time I drove a car I could not make a u-turn, ran into a curb, could not find the break pedal, and got a flat tire. It was a complete freak show. I have not considered driving full-time since then. My mind cannot stay focused at all, I am one of those people who stairs out into the scenery, I sleep, I am working on things, I space out, I read the signs, I read anything on cars, I stare at people...I am the worst person to stay focused on the road. I rather be like Alfred Hitchcock and be driven everywhere I go. That will keep me out of troubles from the police, and out of collisions.
  • 4 Dental Hygine:I know this is repulsive, but I tend to skip brushing my teeth. I rarely have the opportunity to get the old toothbrush out and get at my teeth. I should mind you that I have NEVER had a single cavity in my life, my teeth are always white, and my breath rarely smells. I did brush my teeth today though.
  • 5 Time Management:I am a complete procrastinator. If I can put something off I always do. It does not matter what it is, I find that extra window of time and take it to put it off. I finish things on deadlines minutes before. I arrive barely just on time. I mail things right before a due date. I put things off until the last minute. I have not always been like that, but lately I find myself doing that. I do have my good months where I do everything early, I am at places early, you name it, I am on top of it, but my nature is to put things off.
  • 6 Getting rid of Things:I cannot get rid of things. I own them, they belong to me, and I will figure out a way to make them work and go wherever I am moving to. It is really childish and stubborn or me, but I am a hoarder. I keep everything. I keep talking to my friends and they are making it easier for me to let go.
  • 7 Whitebalancing:I should know this, it is so simple, but I am way too lazy to do it half the time. I just figure I can correct it later.
  • 8 Staying in Contact:For some reason I am bad at this. I know I want to talk to somebody or keep in touch, but I feel like they probably will before me, so it never happens. And then there are two frustrated people who never hang out, even though they want to, so they keep telling each other how much they miss each other and yadda yadda, but it never really gets anywhere. I need to be more proactive.
  • 9 Musical Instruments:Once again, I am musically inclined, but not musically gifted. I am a left-handed guitar player, but forget how to play all the time. I no longer am able to play the piano or the violin. This blows, I always blame it on me being left-handed at those type of things, but that is unfounded. I really need to hoan in on playing musics. It would enrich my life so much. I remember I used to have these dreams of being in a band and having people buy my records. Even dreaming that I would get a Grammy so I practiced my thank you speech and eventually that would land my an acting gig and all this other jazz, but I can't sing, even if I was in choir all of my schooling up until high school. I just blended in the background. I also have a funny voice that is what people refer to as "unmistakeable' and "unique" I hope it isn't anything like Fran Drescher.
  • 10 Cooking:I grew up in a really ethnic family. We had a lot of fusion cuisine so-to-speak to encompass all the different we have, and it all made sense. I cannot make anything. Seriously. I have no clue how to season anything, what order anything is prepared, how hot I should cook things. I am one of those people that can follow directions and measure things, but somehow key aspects of dishes are lost when I cook them. If you can cook I basically worship you, because that is beyond me. I want to learn how to cook by intuition, not by recipes, looking at a show, watching people, I want that to come instinctively, but I was not blessed like that.
dec 2 2009 ∞
dec 2 2009 +