- I am a full-time student, do not expect to get married right away and run holding hands on a beach towards the sunset. Not going to happen. I have med. school and a doctorate to write.
- I am introverted, thus, I am hard to read, distant, and can be emotionally unavailable at times.
- I can be difficult.
- I tend to withhold information thinking it will hurt the person if I burden them with it. I have been realising that should not always be the case.
- I am a little too manicured.
- I can be a complete schnorrer.
- I can sometimes get too manic for my own good.
- I need my space and it is nothing personal.
- I tend to put my friends and family first over my relationships.
- I am passive.
- I am a realist, and most people do not like that.
- I have too many hobbies, projects, things planned.
- I tend to put work first.
- I am moody.
- I have dirty habbits, like smoking and drinking, which may not be ideal.
- I spread myself too thin.
- I can get very lazy.
- I am a procrastinator.
- I have cheated in the past, but at least I am honest.
may 24 2010 ∞
may 24 2010 +