0530 - 0545: Solat Subuh

0545 - 0605: Breakfast

0605 - 0625: Shower

0625 - 0710: Study Madrasah

0710 - 0720: Break

0720 - 0810: Study Madrasah

0810 - 0830: Dress

0830 - 0900: Travel to Ar-Raudhah

0900 - 1100: Exam

1100 - 1200: Travel Home

1200 - 1230: Change Out + Lie Down

1230 - 1430: Design

1430 - 1445: Solat Zohor

1445 - 1530: Lunch + Chill

1530 - 1600: German Homework

    • KB, S.100, Ü5
    • KB, S.100, Ü6: Read out and record the sentences. Post the recording on Facebook by next session. That counts towards your class participation.
    • KB, S.101, Ü8, Ü9

1600 - 1615: Solat Asar

1615 - 1815: Design

oct 19 2018 ∞
oct 24 2018 +