the loved

you have no mouth, and yet you must scream. not in agony, no, but in pure simple joy. joy for life, joy for death, joy for them, joy for you. you scream from the bottom of your heart, letting the universe echo with your life. the void crumbles in your wake, the hands of justice hesitate before you, and you are free from harm. finally. finally, you are free from harm, and allowed to live. you love to live.

because you remind them of someone they lost

you're a chameleon. you have this uncanny ability to mold yourself to fit any hole in someone's heart. you're the ghost of the person they miss, and they love you for coming back to them. maybe you're afraid to show yourself, or maybe you don't even really know yourself in the first pla...

apr 5 2023 ∞
jan 4 2024 +


  • lolly
  • tangy
  • raymond


  • daisy
  • goldie


  • sasha
  • coco


  • ellie


  • raddle


  • beau
jun 3 2023 ∞
jan 4 2024 +