justice and high priestess


  • libra (justice)- balance, the center, no excess, no exaggeration
  • moon (high priestess) - cyclic, inclusive, nothing left out or rejected


  • analytical vs. contemplative
  • harsh vs. gentle
  • loud vs. silent

justice and the high priestess have in common that everything is accounted for. justice examines everything for flaws in order to find its flawless essence. the high priestess knows the secret of everything as it is in order to encompass everything. justice demands of everything its true nature and essence, with nothing concealed, withheld or distorted. it tirelessly weights and measures, satisfied with nothing less than the clear, the absolute, and the irreducible in everything.

  • adamant and uncompromising, loud and clear (red) & be certain on its throne, guarding the entrance to the temple of the secrets of perfection.
    • can be given to rage and haste;can become arrogant and hypercritical, aggrieved and vengeful, or uncertain and vacillating.

the high priestess finds what is the same in everything, the secret unifying core hidden in the endless variation of detail. she patiently discovers in all differences what is true, original and undisturbed in everything.

  • accepting and inclusive, quiet and calm (blue)& fearless and certain on her throne, guarding the entrance to the temple of final knowledge.
  • conceited know-it-all, moody and taciturn, secret and unapproachable; she can be despairing and lost or given to excess and careless of consequences.
dec 31 2023 ∞
jan 10 2024 +